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Shout outs! CHRISTEL-hey gurl ur sooo cool! neva eva change!we have had some great times together! such as the time with the nick thing...and at church with alex P. and aaron(im not sure how to spell his name) and Zack! lol! man that was great!! lol! well i have too many memories to write about! i will luv ya like a sis for ever and ever and ever!! buh bye! ~!*Staci*!~ CARA-hey gurl ur my bestest frnd! i luv talkin to u!lol when ur on! and u actually talk! LOL which is like always! well ur my frnd and thats just dandy! i luv u like a sis and i always will! lylas, ~!*Staci*!~ KYLE- hey ur so different! lol! but ur cool! lol! and ur very very mean! lol oh wellz i gues not everyone is perfect(Like me NOT)! lol! well i lyl ~!*Staci*!~ SHAUN- hey i wuv ya very very very much! well we have sum good and sum bad memories(bad memories being us breaking up and us not going out)and good memories being us going out and being together!lol well luv ya bunches and bunches and bunches *staci* CURTIS- hey! i was like totally in luv with u the first time we went out! im so gald we went out! if we didnt my life would be different!lol! i think! lol! oh well! well we r frnds now and thats GREAT!well lylab for eva and always! ~!*Staci*!~ BEAR- hey! ur so kewl! i think ur funny! lol! and if u didnt know i like u! but only a LITTLE(LOL)cuz i like this other boy! lol! :-) oh well i will always like u as a frnd no matta wut! lol! well lylab ~!*Staci*~ p.s. ur much better off with janette!lol!but thats ur choice! ASHLEY- hey gurl ur soo cool! i lylas and always will! i know i met u in gym cuz u never talked to me in health class! lol! ur in my s.s class and science and music and math! grr i hate math! lol! oh well i will get ova it! well maybe i would like it if i was in regular maht instead of advanced! grr that makes me soo mad! lol well lylas for eva and always! ~!*Staci*!~ JANETTE- -hey gurl! man we have been frnds for ever! we do like EVERYTHING together!! lol! we are like never apart unless its a family thing! lol! like when my mom doesnt let me go ne where! that makes me really really mad! lol! oh well! we have had sum awesome times together! ur so kewl! we have sum great memories! and i remember in 5th grade when i was going out with michael and u were going out with ******* and megan was going out with luke and at the halloween party(i tink) when we had to play that game! man that was mean and embaressing! well i have had WAY more embarressing moments in 5th grade than u! cuz u never got a ring like i did! i came back from the office and everyone was laughing and i had no idea wat was going on and then i sat down and there was the ring! my face was BRIGHT red and i know it! lol! man that was great! well i lylas for ever and ever and ever and ever x 1,000,000,000!!!!!! ~!*Staci*!~ CHAD- hey i luv u!NOT!fuck u!-STACI- ALYSSA- hey chick! ur so cool! well i dont have ne memories wit u cuz we just like met! lol! well lets try and get tons of memories! lol! well we dont got to but it would be nice! well lylas ~!*STACI*!~ JESSIE- Hey girlie. we have been friends forever and that wont change! lol. we use to do everthing together until janette came! RIGHT?lol. well we r hanging out now. i guess thats good. well i have nothin much to say. lylas forever and always ~!*STACI*!~ KAYLEIGH-hey grl. we have been friends since i moved to brandt! which was the summer b4 3rd grade! we got in lots of fights.but were still friends!(now) im happy idk about u.we have had lots of great memories!well lylas forever and always ~!*STACI*!~ KEVIN-hey.we just started talking not to long ago. well lets never stop ur kewl. and of course i like u! lol and u know that cuz u have only asked me like 100 times. well i hope to talk to u more. love ya lots for ever and always ~!*STACI*!~ ***IF I FORGOT U TELL ME!***

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