Started On : 25 October 2002
Completed : 28 October 2002

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Inspired by the song 'Help Me' although the story line is nowhere near the song.

I need help.

Can you help me please?

You see, this morning I drove myself to the studio as I had done for the last three months. And like the saying goes, some things change for the better, some just never. Well, as expected, I was late. And even as I parked my car next to the familiar SUV, a mental picture of a pissed off four-fifth of the Backstreet Boys was already playing in my mind.

Oh, I didn't tell you? How rude. I'm sorry. Yes, The Backstreet Boys are back again with another album. At least that was what we were doing in the studio, writing songs and recording them. I have to say it look promising so far. It's gonna be a bomb. I can hardly wait to release them. But today is special, cause today we will be wrapping up recording!

So I wasn't expecting the guys to be so pissed at me.

I shouldn't be so gullible.

"Just in case your watch is only for show, Nick, you're half an hour late." Kevin had said the moment I stepped in.

"I'm a rock star." I said, as innocently as my face would allow it.

"I don't care who you are." AJ and Brian had sang.

Yes, they sang. In case you didn't know, they were mocking me. But what made the studio so silent was when AJ had sang it in the rhythm of my song 'Blow Your Mind' while Brian had sang that same line as in As Long As You Love Me.

"Well," Howie had broke the chilling silence. "That was freaky."

"Honestly Kaos, did you purposely steal that line?" AJ had asked.

"How can one steal unintentionally?" I rebut.

"So it's true?" Brian asked.

"Stop talking in lyrics!" I said, exaggerating a bit.

"WHAT?" Brian asked, obviously oblivious to what I meant.

"It's true…" Kevin sang. Well, someone's not lost. We still have hope.

"I mean it to-"

"There you go again!" AJ laughed.

"WHAT?" Brian cried. He is so funny.

"It's true," Howie said. "basically go together with 'I mean it' Rok."

"Fine. I shall keep quite now."

"Guys, come on, do I have to-"

"Cry for you!" AJ cried all of a sudden.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I groaned. He was yelling IN my ear.

"Do I have to cry for you, Kevin was going to say that!" AJ grinned.

"No, you idiot!" Kevin cried. "Do I have to start bossing everybody around before we can actually get some things done today? If there's no objection, we did plan to finish this album some time this year."

So the work resumed after that. And by some form of miracle, we did wrap up recording that day. Well, if you consider three in the morning still the same day, that is. It was tiring as it should be, but hearing Rodney (the unlucky studio guy who got to hang around with us) said 'It's a wrap!' somehow lifted the murky fog from our eyes. They said it was the end for us, but hey, look at us now!

We wanted to celebrate and we know it would be so easy to go into a night club this late and not worry about fans. But of course, we wouldn't want to be responsible for AJ's re-admission to rehab now do we? So clubbing was out of the question. Where else can you go at three in the morning? It is safe to say, nowhere.

"We can't just end this session like this. I feel the need to celebrate, alcohol not included." AJ claimed.

"How about we go clubbing, AJ not included?" Howie had joked. I for one, wouldn't dare to say that at three in the morning. A wrestling match could start and the other three will get free entertainment at our expense.

"I feel the love man." AJ scoffed.

"I'm beat, let's just chill out some place not a club." Kevin yawned.

I don't know how, but we ended up figuring out that my pad is not a club and it's remote enough being high up on the hill and since it's facing the ocean, a cool place to hang out. We hopped in Brian's SUV since the rest of us, well, our license to drive expire at midnight. Any later than that and you'll get a very horrid traffic news the next day.

In the car, Kevin, AJ and Howie had took the passengers' seats while I took the shotgun. The car was too silent after that, everyone drowned by their own thoughts. I personally, was thinking about our latest album. I was proud of it. The guys were still thinking to pick a single and I was mentally, singing all the songs and trying to pick my favourite. It was difficult. I loved all of them.

It was at this moment that Brian began to yawn. That freaked me out. "You want me to take over?"

"We need to make some noise. This car is dead man." AJ groaned.

"I've got a CD in there, just play it." Brian said.

The moment I pressed the 'play' button, a familiar rhythm filled the car. And then my voice.

I wish I could define, all the thoughts that crossed my mind…

"No way…Brian, since when were you into rock?" Howie gasped teasingly.

"Aww…you bought my CD!" Nick cried.

"That's because someone was so stingy as to not give us a free copy!" Brian groaned.

"But you don't listen to this kind of music." I pointed out.

"Anything that any one of us sing will be beautiful in my ears." Brian quipped.

"Yeah Nick, your album is good bro. I listen to it." Kevin added.

I watched from the rear mirror, AJ nodding his head. "True that. I got a copy myself. And seriously, Miss America, I'd die to sing."

"Did I tell you my favourite is I Got You? You sound so different on that one." Howie said.

I was happy to say the least. I didn't really ask them of their opinion about my album and other than the usual 'I'm proud of you man' and 'I heard the singles, they're cool' we had just went straight to our album mode.

Perhaps it was due to the excitement or something, but we were singing along to the song, and I have to admit, there were parts where AJ went solo and he sounded better on it than I did. And there were parts where Brian could have done it and Howie and Kevin could easily turn it into a more Backstreet sound. If I ever plan to make a remix, it'd be turn into acappella with the guys in it.

But before I could even go there, I need your help.

See, something happened, I don't know how it did but it did. And now the car is in the middle of the road, upside down, and I'm trapped in my seat. Brian had not been responding to Kevin's calls and AJ was crying out in pain. Howie was yelling that he couldn't breath and Kevin was coughing. And I can't do anything about it cause as wide as I had opened my eyes, I see darkness. No lights, no nothing, and my eyes hurt a lot. I don't know what happened to me. To us. So I'm telling you again.

I need help.

Can you help me, please?

The End

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