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Welcome to Kiwi´s Web Page!

baby ig
July, 1998 - Age 2 weeks?

Hi, I'm the largest reptile in the Ziring household, and my name is Kiwi. Sometimes, my feeders call me 'Shortstop' because I look like Mike Bordick (former shortstop for the Baltimore Orioles). More recently, they've started calling me 'The Desolator' because I like to have a little fun moving knick-knacks around while they're out of the house. When I was little, I was very timid, but now that I've reached adult size, my male nature has emerged: I'm bold, outgoing, and lazy. You can follow my growth in the chart and graphs below.

    Length (inches)
     Overall  Snout-vent
    5 Jul 9811 3/83 1/8
    12 Aug 9813 1/43 5/8
    6 Sep 9815 1/44 1/8
    2 Oct 9817   4 7/8
    3 Nov 9821 1/2 5 1/2
    30 Jan 99277 5/8
    19 Mar 9929 3/88 3/8
    15 Apr 99319 1/4
    30 Jun 9938 1/211 1/2
    28 Aug 9945 1/413 7/8
    31 Oct 9949 1/215 1/2
    20 Nov 9950 1/215 1/2
    13 Jan 0051 3/4161/4
    19 Feb 005316 1/2
    5 May 0054 1/217 1/4
    15 Sep 0055 1/218
    15 Jan 0156 7/818 1/4

    Eye color:brown
    Weight:10 lbs.
    Birth date:6/1/98 ?
    First year's
    growth chart
    growth chart

My full taxonomic name in the animal kingdom is: phylum CHORDATA, class REPTILIA, subclass LEPIDOSAUROMORPHA, order SQUAMATA, suborder Sauria, family Iguanidae, species Iguana iguana.

The picture above was taken in mid-July 1998. I came to live with Neal and Julie Ziring on July 3, 1998. Before that, I lived at House of Tropicals in Glen Burnie, MD [no web site yet]. I was born on a crowded green iguana farm in San Salvador in early June, 1998.

Kiwi's Growth in Pictures

Young Iguana Care

Note: I now weigh over 100 times as much as when this picture was taken!

National Iguana Awareness Day is September 8, 2001
Help Stop Iguana Abuse - Get Involved in NIAD.


Great Iguana Links


For many more links, visit the home page of my late predecessor, Yoshi.

You can also visit the page of my small associate, Sidney the bearded dragon.

lounging lizard
Kiwi enjoying the sunshine on NIAD, September 9, 2000

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This page written by Neal Ziring, last modified 1/10/02.