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Zdrojewski Family
Christmas Adventure

Last year we tested your knowledge of Zdrojewski family Christmas customs, now it's your turn to decide how the Zdrojewski family will spend their holiday.
Choose wisely; you never know what might happen when the Z's are involved!

It's Christmas Eve and the Zdrojewski family is preparing for the most important part of their holiday celebration - Christmas Eve Mass.

The family has decided to attend only one Mass this year, but Mary is supposed to sing with the folk group at the 4pm Children's Mass, Anne and Tom were persuaded to read at the 6pm Youth Mass, and Arnie will be performing with the choir (okay, the chime choir) at the Midnight Mass that really starts at 11pm but the music starts at 10:30.

Which Mass will the Zdrojewski's attend?
4pm Children's Mass
6pm Youth Mass
"Midnight" Mass
All of the above

Couldn't decide? Neither could the Z's.
They ended up going to every Mass Christmas Eve.

In between the 6 and the midnight, the Zdrojewski's went back home for some dinner and family togetherness time.

The Zdrojewski family spends their togetherness time by sitting around the tree singing Christmas Carols and enjoying each other's company.

The Zdrojewski family spends their togetherness time by sitting around the t.v. watching Nick at Night Christmas specials.

Ha ha. Nice try.
Not even Mary's imagination is strong enough to get the family to sing together.
Rejoin the family and reality on the couch.

It may not be traditional, but they sure do love those old t.v. shows.
The Dick Van Dyke show Christmas Special comes on, and you have just enough time to join a rousing chorus of the "Alan Brady" song before it's time to head back down to church.

You attend the Midnight (11:00 [10:30]) Mass together, and by the time you get home you're all ready for bed.
Heat up those bed warmers, get on your pj's, and see you in the morning!

It's Christmas morning. The Z's all wake up at different times (Mary can't break the up-at-6 training she's given herself in order to get to school on time, and her singing causes Tom to rise and join her.) and come downstairs.
They drink their tea slowly and open the gifts one at a time.
Then they gather around the recently-cleared-of-PTA-stuff dining room table to enjoy breakfast.

No, you don't get to choose the breakfast.
It is, as always, our traditional Egg Puff.

Then it's time to head up to Hamburg and visit the relatives.

Get on the road as soon as possible.
Take your time packing up.

At the six o'clock mass the Zdrojewski's get to sit and relax a bit.
Anne and Tom do their readings without any major catastrophes.
What do the Zdrojewski's do now after going to this Mass?

They go home to eat spinach and artichoke dip.
They go out to eat Chinese food.

Well, it is almost 8 o'clock and the Zdrojewski's are hungry.
They go home and make some spinach and artichoke dip.
Joanne also gets the cheese ball and fruit plate ready.
Tom makes a pot of hot cocoa.
Soon, they all sit down and enjoy a family sing along while munching on dips and cheese.
What a wonderful Christmas Eve!

See you in the morning!

Ignoring the pigeon rumors, the family decides to go to Chinatown Buffet, located in scenic Downtown Jamestown, in the beautiful Brooklyn Square.
Tom, unable to control his hapiness (or his hunger) jumps out of the car and starts performing his "Happy Happy Chinese Food Dance."
In his celebration, he slips on some ice and falls into the heavily polluted Chadakoin River.

Your Zdrojewski Christmas Card

The zany Z's decided to go to the 4 0'clock mass. After mass, Arnie's rumbly tummy told the family they should get some food.

Should the Zdrojewski's go home for some cheese, crakers, and the like?

Or, should they go get some Chinese Food?

The Zdrojewski's rush out the door, and are promptly run over by a truck full of mixed nuts.

Your Zdrojewski Christmas Card

You start the drive, but everyone soon starts fighting about what music to listen to.
Choose the CD to play.

Peter, Paul, and Mary's Christmas CD Mixed Nuts Soundtrack

You don't get very far on the road before a freak blizzard stops you.
Too bad, looks like you'll be spending Christmas at home this year.

Your Zdrojewski Christmas Card

You get to Hamburg just fine and celebrate Christmas with the whole family.
What a wonderful holiday!

Your Zdrojewski Christmas Card