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Thursday December 26 2oo2

Hello, everyone! (me) I'm getting a basic layout going with all of the links and butttons and other cool things of that sort. Same old, same old. Vote, post in the forums, tell yer friends, yadda yadda yadda.


YO! The forums are up! Go visit! NOW!!! Please sign the G. book, and vote! Happy Holidays!

Tuesday December 24 2oo2

MadKowz-R-Us is officially open for bizy-ness! I doubt any one will see this, but if you do, please vote and/or sign the Guestbook, so I know to continue to work on the site. Firstly, I am going to need content workers who have a good knowledge of any Nintendo system to help work for me. Also, I am going to need news repoters who will be assigned to look after a few other sites and report news. No knowlege of HTML is required, as you will only need to know basics, which I would be happy to teach. E-Mail MadKow (me) with any questions, comments or if you wish to join the MadKowz-R-Us staff!

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