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:: The Lost Void ::

Shout Outs: Here is where I shout out to everyone I know... at least I tried to mention everyone!  Check and see if you are included below.
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:: Shout Outs ::

I suck at this new difficulty level on civilization!  So much for world domination... lol.  I hope Warcraft III is treating you better.

Well, summer is here... I hope that trip works out for your birthday!

What?  You're not playing a video game?!  You prag!

Whaht'eez uep mi frrehnd?

Eric W.
I haven't lost your number (yet), don't worry.

I'll be seeing you soon, I hope.

Beware of circular unidentified flying objects that appear to be in the shape of circular discs.. you're not going to believe how many times I get hit by them!

Here we are, still talking since first grade.  Whoever said that kinda thing wasn't possible?!

Can't wait for a new game of ball next year... if that's even possible.

Zangre and Mullet
Pretty funny, eh?  Heh.  I'll see you guys on AIM, I hope.

What do we say?  "Start screamin' vote for Stephen!!!"  Kinda late now, but hey, better late than never!

Thanks for taking time out of your world domination planning for your alien specie elders to come visit the site!  (Oops... was I not supposed to say that?) :)

Looks like you're staying in the IB program... *tears* Good luck to you!

Another good advice person... thanks for dropping by, see you in the IM world!

Sorry if I spelled your name wrong there... glad you could check out the site, though!

Don't go to Martin County next year.  Amanda would die, if nothing else... :)


Eric W.
This one is all for you: *flails arms in the air* ROSSSSSSS!!!!

Hey!  We miss you... hope life's treating you good up there!

Matt N.
Good luck to you in your studies as well... and when you're off in college, I hope that you and Mike Armbruster will always remember me as a sandwich.

It's been many moons since we've talked up until recently... good to be talking to you again.

The lost souls of Lance and Seth
Hey!  I don't know how you guys found out about the site... especially you Lance... but E-MAIL ME! :)

Allow me to show you my gratitude for you visiting my site. *hand hug*

Roxanne, Izzy and Kayla
You guys have seen the best and the worst of my website works... I hope you like this one.

I have two words to say to you... D-a-i-r-y Q-u-e-e-n.

Sean the neighbor
Thanks for dropping by... get a GameCube! lol

Football gang
It's been a while since we played a game... a few years I think... we should go play some back in the USSR!

Hey!  Thanks for check out the site... I'm sure you're quite busy with your anime downloads :)

Hey.  Relax and enjoy your stay, and try not to overwork yourself (if that's possible)... see in your church Sunday!

Stay cool... see you in church Sunday!

"Ross" gang
I wonder if half of you even remember why I'm called Ross... well, welcome to the site, anyway.

People that I don't like
Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

Everyone else I know
Hey, thanks for dropping by... hope you enjoy the site... make sure to sign the guestbook! :)
