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cool site that linked to us one time


8-02-02 -- Added Ody's series of stories, the Wellhung series. This is a must read, so if you're on this site (Stargods help us all if there is such a fool), get it! Get it now!! Sorry, I know I said I'd do it earlier, but... well, to be honest... That wasn't me you were talking to, it was a penguin in a human suit, it is now, it's up here and that penguin is now hanging upside, urinating on himself in tribute to you and your exploits with the pig-monkey.

6-24-02 -- Quit yer bitchin', Ody, I'll update the page when I want to! I added the second story, "The Betrayal", to the Testiculean series. It's up there now, no more dead links on any of my pages...

6-14-02 -- Indeed, Ody, I tip my hat to you. After I went through and added a few pages which you didn't happen to change over to the new format... lol. I added an actual cast of characters, along with their first appearances, so you'll know where to find them.

6-11-02 -- well, it seems im the frigging man, re-vamping the whole site to this utterly beautiful version 2.0 in one day. you heard me, one day. heck yeah. --ody

mmmmm smeat

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