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Days until I turn 1 year old!!!

The Beginning of the Life Of Logan Nathanial Gergel

I found out that I was pregnant with Logan in . It was a wonderful suprise, especially since our loss in July. Because of that loss the nurse practioner I was seeing allowed me to have an ultrasound so I could make sure everything was ok. We saw Logan's little heartbeating! Thus begins the exciting trip I call my pregnancy!...

At 9 weeks (a little over 2 months) I got my pregnancy confirmed and had an ultrasound.

At 11 weeks I woke up to bleeding, assuming the worse, Mark took me to the hospital. They couldn't find the reason, so they sent me home and told me to make an appointment with my Dr. I did. The nurse Practioner, Barb, Couldn't find a heartbeat so she sent me for another ultrasound. There again was my little jumping bean,with his little heart beating right along. They found the reason for the bleed, it was nothing serious.

At 17 Weeks I got sent for another Ultrasound as a follow-up to my bleed. And that is when we found that my cervix was dialating and my water sac was sitting in my cervix. NOT GOOD. I was admitted to the hospital and but in bed with my head down and my body up hoping that the sac would go back in so they could give me a Cerclage. One doctor basically said there was no hope and that there was a 100 % chance I would lose my baby. Another Dr decided it would be worth the chance of pushing the sac back in and stitching me up. He then gave me a 10-50 % chance of carrying Logan to term. We jumped at it! Everything went wonderful, Logan was determined to stay with me. But because I had such an extreme case I was put on strict bedrest.

At a little over 22 weeks I went again for another ultrasound so my dr could check my cervix and my cerclage. Logan was looking big and growing prefectly. We were able to tell that we were

At 30weeks I again went for another ultrasound. Everything looked good, except Logan had not turned yet. The day after my ultrasound, I woke up from a nap with wet shorts! My water had broke! I got sent to Indianapolis because there is a huge children's hospital there in case something were to go wrong with Logan. I managed to keep him baking for a week and a day. On Monday March 14th at 11:29am Logan Nathanial Gergel was born! I had to have a c-section because Logan was still breech and the cord was over my cervix. Logan had to stay in the hosptial until he was a little over 3 weeks old. He has had no problems except a little Jaundice.

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