Date: 01.01.03
Time: 10:15 PM
Listening: to keith on the phone
Wearing:duckie pajamas
Feeling:Happy happy joy joy
Thinking:Keith is so cute! hehehe


Happy new Year! Woot woot! My new year was ok, I went to my cousin's house and went shopping and got new stuff. I brought my mom's computer's monitor and put it on my computer so at least I have my stuff while my monitor is broke. Oh well happy new year! I'm talking to keith on the phone and he is trying to get to give him the link to my site, but thats prolly not gonna happen! So na na na na boo boo! Oh yeah by the way I added My Room to my stuff. Its like pictures of my room. lol


Well its after 1am but I'll refer to yesterday as today because I feel like it. I went to Kansas City and I saw the movie Catch Me if You Can with Leonardo Dicaprio. It was a good ass movie!! We went shopping at Borders and got some prom magazines. I like that sort of thing. And umm well thats it basically. Tomorrow I'm leaving for my cousin's house in Springfield. Its for new years, see for new years I wanted to be home all by myself and spend time with Keith, but noooo, my parents wouldn't let me, so I'm gonna be stuck in Springfield. Oh well...I'll live..I can have Keify time when I get home. I obsessed, just a little? Naaaaaaah!


I got to see Keith tonight. I missed him so much, I hadn't seen him in almost a week and hadn't done anything with him for a week. I saw his mom in Wal*Mart today and then he came in and I finally got The Sims Online!! Woot! I just can't play it now because my computer is broken, well the monitor doesn't work. Oh well..yeah, me and Keith had LOTs of fun, I hate leaving him, we need more time together. And he gave me his class ring! This is like the third time I've had it, lol, third times a charm! Oh well....that is all.


Welcome to my site everyone. I guess now you can really find out how truly weird I am. If you are Keith, don't look at my poem section. But oh well..right now I am so bored! I am just counting down the days till vacation is over! I know thats sick but thats how bored I am. Tomorrow I am hoping to get out of this house to go hang out with my friends at the bowling alley and maybe get some much needed quality time with Keifers. Today has been boring, this week has been boring. Oh well...I'll live...just PLEASE let my mom let me go out tomorrow night, she has no idea how much I need to!


Hello everyone I am Jesamy and this is Living Proof. My new blog. I really don't know what to say, so while I'm working on what the heck I should be saying right now I will work on subpages because I know you're living for that! Today is me and Keith's one month! Woot woot!


About Me
Poetry by Me
My Room
Bumper Stickers
School Stuff
Do I?
I am
Shout Outs
My Bag


Chicken Crossing
Die For Love
Kiss Goodnight
Sad Poem
Too Late

