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June 6 6:22 PM

Almost a week ago Brandon Ward died. Most knew him as Tater....It's so sad that he was only a freshman and that his life was so short lived but we can be happy that he brought smiles to the faces of those who knew him well....even though i didn't know him that well...i saw him everyday before 5th period and he always brought a smile to my face...i hate that i wont see him anymore and that i didn't get to know him better...hopefuly this will teach all of us learn that life is fragile and can be taken at anytime and that we should live our lives to the fullest.... Please remember him and his family and friends in your prayers and thoughts... i ask you now to take a moment of silence in his honor...even if you didn't know him...please just take the time to think of those that knew him best and pray for God to watch over them....thanks


May 30 6:54 PM

so i did this new layout for the summer....what do ya think.....well i like it ....cuz it's pretty......looks like my that it's summer i'm gonna get to go and do a lot more....i long as mom and dad don't freak.....which they already have but that's can't wait to go to the beach in july and maybe even dance camp....i can't wait for school to start so that i can start's gonna be so much fun.....neways we get report cards on monday and i hope i got good grades....the only one i'm really worried about is English..... i mean with a freaky teacher like i've had hasn't been easy to keep that grade neways i gotta go so i can finish this layout and all that....ttyl


May 23 4:14PM
no more exams!
no more school!!!!
lol....a whole two months of sleepin, and swimmin...and hangin with friends! I'm gettin ready to go camping....i really don't wanna go cuz i'm gonna miss all my buddies and my bf to's gonna be so boaring cuz well none of my firends from churchare goin....but i'll live....i'll make it back now that school is over.....that means the seniors are happy as i am that they are getting outta school....i'm gonna miss them like crazy!!! PETE! ::cough:: ::cough::lol....i love you bro and i'm gonna miss you so much... not only will i miss him but my other bro DEVIN ::cough:: ::cough:: lol... he's leavin for FL and he's gonna be gone almost all summer ::tears:: my two bros leavin FAIR!!! ...but now i must and dad are ready to i guess i'll talk to you all when i get back ....i'll try and have fun....ttyl...SB4L!

April 26 1:36 PM
well it's been a while since i've updated...ok like a but things around here have been kinda busy....with friends and bfs and all that it's just know how it gets...the good news is that there are only 3 weeks left of school!!!!! yippeeee! if i don't get back to the site for a few weeks give me a break cuz exams are commin up.....and well that just really happy now for my two friends who have been goin out for over 3 months and workin on know who you are....i love you guys....and i now have a great guy and it's almost a month....well ppl are cool now and i'm not mad at anyone and it's awsome....i go for my full licence on tues!!!!! i can't wait i can finally drive after with as many ppl as i want....heheheh...uh yeah.....well i better jet....check the site out and e-mail me if there are ya lots

March 20
today thw world as we knew it changed forever.... it will never be the same..... i'm real scared.... i have a good friend who might have to go over ..... to him... you know i love ya man....please be all those who have family and friends over there right now..... pryaer works wonders.... well all i can say is that i hope that this is all worth is and i can't wait until it is over..... may God bless us all ... may he give us the minds and hearts to understand why this has happened....and to understand what is to come....may he fill our hearts with love....and may this teach us that war never really truely solves the worlds problems....and maybe our generation can do better..... may god bless you and you and your family and may he bless the troops and their familys and friends...may he keep us all safe as well....



[ g-bookie ] [ e-mail ]

DEVIN: i really miss you and i wish you could be up here with us right now...and don't forget about that dream....we can only
BEN:what's there to say....THEY'RE JUST CARS!...i know i iknow
STEPH: hey gurly...i know your at the beach right now....have fun and don't make out with to many hot guys ben
HANNAH H:uh....what's this i hear about you asking him about
HANNAH C: chocolate or
PADDY: i don't know what to say other than ...i love ya bro