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Monday, 16 June 2003
Traumatizing Elementary School Gym Class
wow! how could I not think of this before?! Back then gym class was just kinda scary, but fun, but I never really thought there was anything wrong with what the gym teachers did. But now that I look back... I could so get them all fired!

First of all, we played a really scary game, The Octopus Game, where the gym teachers were octopuses and they ran around trying to catch us. But it scared the shit out of me! I had bad dreams about that game when I slept. We also had to crab walk across the floor holding a rubber ball between our legs and if we dropped it then we were punished, and I was always really nervous cause I had no strength in my little body. The teachers just basically frightened me.

So when we were punished, or when your team lost at Clean Up Your Room [throw all the balls to the other side of the gym], they took out the Monster Ball. It was like 5 feet high [or maybe it really wasn't, but it was enormous back then], a big red rubber ball. And they'd tell everyone to lie on their backs on the floor and they'd roll the big ball over everyone. heh.

actually, that wasn't that bad. The bad times were when we all had to lay on our stomachs and we played Mushy Tushy. *shudder* You had to squeeze your butt together and the scary gym teachers would push their foot into your butt, and if it was mushy, they'd yell "Mushy tushy! Mushy tushy!" What a nightmare! But I never had one, so that was good. but it was so embarrasing for big butt people! I always dreaded that.

Well, we had a lot of cool games back then, but at least I'm not scared of gym class anymore! : )

Posted by weird2/laurenplantiscool at 10:12 PM
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Traumatizing Elementary School Gym Class
wow! how could I not think of this before?! Back then gym class was just kinda scary, but fun, but I never really thought there was anything wrong with what the gym teachers did. But now that I look back... I could so get them all fired!

First of all, we played a really scary game, The Octopus Game, where the gym teachers were octopuses and they ran around trying to catch us. But it scared the shit out of me! I had bad dreams about that game when I slept. We also had to crab walk across the floor holding a rubber ball between our legs and if we dropped it then we were punished, and I was always really nervous cause I had no strength in my little body. The teachers just basically frightened me.

So when we were punished, or when your team lost at Clean Up Your Room [throw all the balls to the other side of the gym], they took out the Monster Ball. It was like 5 feet high [or maybe it really wasn't, but it was enormous back then], a big red rubber ball. And they'd tell everyone to lie on their backs on the floor and they'd roll the big ball over everyone. heh.

actually, that wasn't that bad. The bad times were when we all had to lay on our stomachs and we played Mushy Tushy. *shudder* You had to squeeze your butt together and the scary gym teachers would push their foot into your butt, and if it was mushy, they'd yell "Mushy tushy! Mushy tushy!" What a nightmare! But I never had one, so that was good. but it was so embarrasing for big butt people! I always dreaded that.

Well, we had a lot of cool games back then, but at least I'm not scared of gym class anymore! : )

Posted by weird2/laurenplantiscool at 10:02 PM
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incident in the 2nd grade
In 2nd grade I had this really weird teacher. She shall remain nameless. But she would always act like a child and it pissed me off, so one day to shock everyone I said "I hate you." and everyone's like "oh my god" and the teacher went to her desk and put her head in her arms and pretended to cry, or maybe she really was crying just cause she's retarted like that. and of course I didn't even mean it or anything. so then everyone went over to her and was patting her back and talking to her, and giving me looks like "are you screwed up in the head? how could you do that?" and I sat at my desk all by myself and felt like an idiot, but at the same time thinking 'geez! this is so dumb! she's not really crying, she's just acting it out, and all the flaky girls are over there consoling her!' then for a while I knew everyone was remembering that incident and favoring the teacher over me, and expecting harsh words to come from my mouth again. that's when I started hating people. heh.

Posted by weird2/laurenplantiscool at 9:57 PM
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New Entry
heyyyyyy haha i got bored so i'm just gonna randomly update this every once in awhile.....ooh and just so everyone knows i named it Tasha

Posted by weird2/laurenplantiscool at 9:55 PM
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