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Welcome to my humble abode on the Internet. Don't be afraid to aimlessly wander about it, there are a few things to see. (I don't promise anything too interesting)
Saturday, April 27, 2002

For the ones that do manage to find time to visit my site, I have a small update. I added a pictures page, click the "Look See" link and you will be there.
Prehand warning, please beware there are pictures of me there. You have been warned...
I know my site isn't anything fancy. I know it's not covered with cool graphics or amazing flashing thingies. I like it simple, even if it means it's boring to some. Like it or leave it- is all I have to say to you.
If you're ever lonely, bored, or feel like ranting, you can get a hold of me by one of these means of communications-

MSN Messenger~ lacy_lace_20001
Yahoo! Messenger~ lacy_lace_20001
Telepathy~ Just use your head

A Little Information About Me

A Little Information About My Family

My Life Story So Far

Some Sites I Recommend

Pictures That I Wanted To Share

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