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Kyle's website... its lame...

I know my page sux... i amde this in about 15 minutes... just trying to find a place to show my work

I’ll kill the power at the source, because I don’t like getting hurt
I must rip my emotions off the corpse of these torn relations
I’ve seen the change, but I’ve tried to ignore its coming
The casual feel of my old life surrounds me again
I despise it. The memories of love and joy fade.
I look for a new beginning and see no path to tread
So I shall stand still and wait for someone.
Someone to grab me by the wrist and lead me there.
There is where I shall be happy. I was happy with her
So it seems I was wrong again.
Fade away, fade away...
it all fades away to grey

My pain screams out a chorus
My body writhes in pain
I look a lot like us
But I truly see no gain

I look and gaze at your beauty
I don’t remember why
Now that I think it suits me
Why ever did I try?

I’ll go back to how I was
Just sitting here and writing
I’ll go back right now because
The paint just keeps on writhing

What was I thinking?
What was I thinking?

Your empty words have no meaning
Your empty tears show your lies
I’m beaten and bruised. I cry in the corner
I feel so weak, I feel so open
She now jabs and prods at my insides.
Not caring whether she just bruises or guts me clean
The wound is healing ever so slowly
It seems to not move at all
My guardian angel watches over me no more
Even my angel has given up hope…
But I have not. I will live forever
I will find a better soul
I will find a more true love
I will not give up looking

My hopes are shattered, like a mirror on the floor
I’ve decided to go back to how I was before
I now see love is not meant for me
I can hope and pray, but it will not be

I remember how I felt at first
So solemn and content
Now I don’t think I’ve ever felt worse
I truly must reinvent

I now shall stay alone
Forever until I see
Or am maybe proven wrong
Forever till then I’ll be

Alone in my world and crying here
With my knees into my chest