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boss of dragon roost cavern
A pretty easy boss. Its attacks are very easily avoided, but he has quite an armour around him. To properly fight him, you must "remove" this armour from him. aim your grappling hook at Valoo's tail, and swing over. he will knock a big chunk of rock onto the lava beast, removing some of its shell. Gohma will then push the rock back up. repeat this 2 more times and the shell will be completely removed. then, use your grappling hook at its eye, pulling it towards you and slash away. it'll die soon. Take your heart container and exit to be honoured by the Rito people.

Kalle Demos

boss of the forbidden forest
Also not so hard of a boss. watch out for the tentacles coming out of the ground and you'll be fine. Ok, let's get started. The plant is hanging at the ceiling, how to get it down...hmmm, those vines that keep him up don't look so very strong...wait, i know! use your newly aquired boomerang to cut down the vines and it will fall down, leaving the puny center vulnerable to attacks. run up to it and slash away, but watch out, the plant will close back up in a bit of time and if your in it, it will result in the loss of a heart. when you beat it, it'll spit out makar and leave behind a valuable heart container. pick it up and exit to be thanked by the Deku Tree.


boss of tower of the gods
Once again, not so hard of a boss. It was made by the Gods to be your final test. It's attacks are: sweep you away with it's hands onto the electric platforms, smash it's hands to the ground, and spitting fire. to avoid the fire, just run around the room. To beat it, L-target the eyes on the hands and shoot each hand twice. Then, do the same for the eyes.(note: when the hands are out, it'll not do attacks 1 and 2 anymore, but spits out fire more)When he's down, chuck a bomb in its mouth. repeat 3 times and he's dead. claim your heart container, exit and ring the bell with your grappling hook to go to hyrule castle.

Helmaroc King

boss of the forsaken fortress
I found this boss to be the funnest. shadow gannon was also fun, read on for how to beat it. Okay, when the building starts to flood with water, run up the stairs. whatever you do: DON'T STOP!!! not even to fight the enemies! see, the big bird will remove some of the platforms with its claws. if you DO fall down, there are some grappling points. when youre almost up, the bird will stick its beak right before your feet. hit its head with the hammer(what a surprise, every boss is beaten with the weapon you find in it's dungeon) and it'll fall down. continue to run up and the tower closes. the oversized duck will make it in the last minute. use yourself as bait to beat this one. when it comes for you, dodge it and its beak will stick in the ground. that's your cue to hit his head with the skull hammer. repeat some more times untill his mask is off. then repeat the same, but instead of using the hammer, use your sword. the boomerang also works well here. Once you've made Kentucky Fried Chicken, take the heart container and continue up the stairs for a lenghthy cutscene.


boss of the Earth Temple
Definitely not a tough enemy. to beat him, stand in a beam of light and use your mirror shield to reflect the light at him, and he'll fall down. pick him up and throw him against the spikes. He'll split up into several Poes, wich you must beat as many as you can of. The hurricane spin works wonders here. after a while, he'll reform. repeat untill you've vanquished all the poes, and freed the sage. claim your heart container and master sword powerup, and exit.


Boss of the wind temple
To defeat this tricky boss, hookshot its tongue and slash away. Sounds simple? Well it isn't, because the worm keeps spreading worms around it's tongue, and you'll get them instead. Also, when the ground under your feet turns black, get out of the way! he'll appear there and swallow you whole. When he's kaput, get the heart container and free the sage to receive the final master sword power up.

Shadow Ganon

Sub-Boss of the Forsaken Fortress and one of the bosses in Hyrule castle(final time hyrule castle)
To beat it in the fortress, wait for it to throw a white energy ball your way and hit it back with your sword. Play a little tennis with shadow ganon untill he misses, and falls to the ground. Run up to him and slash away. repeat some times until he dies and drops the skull hammer. then, in the castle, once you strike him, he'll drop its sword. DONT PICK IT UP!! The hilt will be pointing to a door. enter the door and continue some more times. at the end, you'll get the legendary light arrows!yay! to finish him off for good, shoot a light arrow at it. Continue further and you'll fight...

Puppet Ganon

The hardest boss in the game.
Form one: Giant pig hangin from strings: to defeat it, use the boomerang on all the strings, exept the one at its tail. When he's hanging from it's tail, shoot the blue orb with a light arrow and repeat some times untill he transforms into...
Form two: Giant spider: Whoa, that is one big spider! it takes about the entire room! To beat it, set the camera to its highest point, until you see the tarantula's reflection in the water. run to the blue orb and wait for the spider to fall. once again, shoot the tail some times with light arrows and he'll transform.
Form three: Snake: It moves VERY fast. when you hit its head, it'll stop briefly, giving you some time to shoot a light arrow to its tail. repeat until the snake's dead.


Actually this one's not as tough as puppet ganon. Zelda will be shooting light arrows at ganondorf, but you must attack him with your sword. the trick is, he blocks every one of your attacks! use the counter move. wait until one of Zelda's arrows hits, and Ganondorf will knock her out. continue until she revives. wait until you see the bow flash in her hand, and pull out your mirror shield, reflecting the light arrow she shoots at ganon! use another parry attack to finally defeat him. Congratulations you've beaten the game! enjoy the ending!

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