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my blogs
February 24, 2005

Mood:  chillin'
Hey everyone!!! whats going on???? I hope everyones spring break is going good.... well i mean, alot better than mine is. I am sitting here staring at this screen typing this blog and talking to my friend alex and listening to a mix that i made. Alex and i are going to hang out this weekend and it is going to be fun. Maybe ms. squirell will get a little visit considering i have some really cool spirit spray and silly string left over from Kylies birthday!!! HEHE... what would we do if we didnt have that teacher in 8th grade??? she would have never gotten her house egged, silly stringed, or anything, thats basically saying that her life wouldnt be complete without the 2 distructive red heads and one brown head.

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 11:56 AM PST
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February 21, 2005
....its all in my head...
Mood:  chillin'
Hey "cool points", whats going on? I love this song and im so happy that it works as a blog! Hope you all have a good ski and skate week and see you when we get back to school. :(

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Posted by weird2/kk1 at 4:47 PM PST
Updated: February 24, 2005 11:58 AM PST
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January 17, 2005
shes baaaaack
Mood:  lazy
Well my hopes didnt last too long for that bitch to be gone cause now shes baaaaaaaaaack. I heard the horrible news on Saturday from Kristina, that just ruined my whole day, thanks a lot. Well she ran away from her foster home and came back to truckee... great.. i give it a week before she gets in trouble.

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 2:01 PM PST
Updated: January 17, 2005 2:01 PM PST
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January 8, 2005
The cruel and unusual ex-CIA agent
Mood:  irritated
Snowing, snowing, and snowing some more. Well that caused a lot of problems on January 7th, 2005, Mr. Anderson could not make it to school which caused us to have a sub. At first this sub was really nice then i got a piece of hair in my eye, not really that was just an excuse to get out of class. Jennie and we told that we could get eye drops out of her locker. We went inside and everything was great we walked around ran from a teacher, tried to get chris' attention, and said hi to our favorite teacher, Ms. McClintock. Well we were in the hallway and decided to shread our hall passes. On the way out of the school we stopped by the cafeteria where tumble and dance was going on and we saw Caitlin and Chelsea. Theres only a little small window so Jennie and i were goofing off and pushing either other out of the way to see into the window, BIG MISTAKE! we see mr. ex-CIA agent come down the hall, we attempt to run but he yells at us to stop.

Lemme tell you about this guy.... his name is Curtis and he came here about a 2 months ago and he claims to be a retired CIA agent and so hes not on his ass all day he decides to become a hall monitor at THS, i mean who would want to do that, not me. Curtis is the biggest ass in the world and gets you into trouble if you go to the fucking bathroom during class, i mean if you gotta go you gotta go, he doesnt understand that though.

Anyways, he comes down to Jennie and I, as we are attempting to walk away slowly, and he starts questioning us and then takes us to class. He told the sub, what we thought to be the truth, but it wasnt that ass lied to her so we would get in trouble, hes going down. so jennie and i got yelled and from that bitchy sub and she blammed it on US that Aldo got sent to Brancas for the 18th time during that class because we didnt come back in time so he couldnt go to the bathroom and he left.

Now jennie and i are getting "noted" to mr. anderson and now we are going to get into a lot of trouble on monday because of what that sub put in her little note, hope we never have her again. That day just totally sucked until night time when kristina and i did a ride along. might i add nothing happened. But making her annoyed made my day all better because one of the officers sorta joined in on all the fun.. hehe!

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 9:28 AM PST
Updated: January 8, 2005 9:28 AM PST
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December 7, 2004
best day of my life #3432
Mood:  chillin'
Today we had a snowday and what a snowday it was!!!! First Kylie and i sat on our asses and did absolutely nothing but that didnt last for long because we came up with a great idea. We took her old snowboard and her moms car keys and we were off. She drove around the neighborhood and i was connected to the back by a long rope and i was jumping over peoples mailboxes and everything it was sooo fun. Then things got even more exciting, i went behind the wheel and pulled Kylie. She is like the best skier in Truckee and she was pulling some pretty sick shit. We made a huge jump in the middle of road, after we stole the snow plow, and i drove on the side of it and she went off of it and flipped and then landed on the top of some old mans roofs and he came out in his argile socks and boxers and screamed at us for a while until we were sick of listening to his shit so we drove off. Then that old fart called the cops on us and we thought we were gonna get in some big ass trouble but we didnt. The cop joined in on the fun and we pulled him around the neighborhood. That got old fast and the cop got a call so he left and told us to have fun just dont bug the old man(if only cops were really like that).

Kylie and i were cold so we went in and got some hot chocolate but there was a suprise when we got inside her house, her mom with a very pissed look on her face. We thought my god we get in trouble for jumping on the trampoline with 2 huge things of dish soap and now we get in trouble for taking the car. But we didnt get in trouble she was mad cause we didnt invite her to go with us around the neighborhood, oh well. We then went back outside and decided to have a snow ball fight in our bras and undies, BOY WAS THAT COLD! We went back in because we were so cold and we thawed out in front of the fire for a little while. it was so cold we thought our n******* were gonna fall off.

Then we turn on VH1 and the 100 Most Outrageous Celeberty Shit was on so we sat there for 3 hours just to see what the number 1 was and we were ashamed it was that little slut britney spears. Just because she was married to Jason for 55 hours she got some stupid award and we wasted our time for her so i hope your happy britney! We then got another idea, take pledge and pledge her hardwood floors and slip and slide around! it was so fun, then her parents came home and we ran for it because we knew we were gonna get it... we hid upstairs and they couldnt even walk in the house without slipping because of the floors. OOPS now they have a broken bones and are in full body casts.

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 8:11 PM PST
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December 5, 2004
The Night of Laughters
Mood:  special
Now Playing: The Killers Somebody told me..... THAT U HAD A BOYFRIEND
It was Friday night and I was doing just fine sitting there in the front seat of the car when we recieved a message from c4. It was Kristina and she was saying hi but that was too much because it turned into more than just a hi from c4, it turned into c4 and kristina making fun of me for about 2 hours. It started with me wanting a cookie and crap that was a mistake because that turned into me opening my mouth and saying we went to Zanos. c4 wasnt to happy about that because we didnt invite them, even though we only got 3 slices from L9's friend. Then i got to write a 180 and kristina wasnt happy about that one, but she felt oh so special that she got to write a ticket... but i did something better! i drove the car.... haha BEET that. That was another thing i did wrong... i spelled BEET so i got shit about that from c4 because he thought it was the veggie but it wasnt. Then we were at Glenshire School and they wanted to know what we were doing there so i told them that we were gonna go play on the playground.... BIG HUGE MISTAKE!!!! c4 and kristina had a nasty thought goin through there head so i got shit about how i worded my sentence. The night was over and kristina wasnt very happy because me and L9 responded to allllll the calls and the 2 of them didnt do shit!!!!! I cant wait til im with c4 and i can give kristina shit.... hehehe!!!!!!

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 12:43 PM PST
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December 2, 2004
The bii-aaaaaaaaatch once again
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: myself
we found out the horrible news today... BLONDIE IS MOVING!!!! Kristina and i are throwing a party if any of you losers wanna come and join us. She is going to a foster home(which is actually sad) but shes gonna be gone forever we dont have to look at her face with the bitten off nose and that sexy scar on the top. i saw her at wild cherries this morning and she saw me and she ran up to me and yelled " OMG Kaitlyn i havent seen you in forever wanna date me?(remember she asks that question every time she sees someone) I said, " no you dumb blonde im not gay so go and find m.l. or maybe even his girlfriend and see how far you get with her! NOT VERY FAR HE'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!! maybe then you will move to kristina because you are a jealous slut because she goes with your 24 year old wanna be boyfriend on saturday nights, TOO BAD FOR YOU HE DOESNT LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAHAHAHAHA IN YOUR FACE! maybe if you wouldnt have been soooooo bad he might like u as a friend but oh wait you want a sexual relationship with him! bye now

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 3:48 PM PST
Updated: December 5, 2004 12:30 PM PST
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Heathers new daddy
Mood:  energetic
today we had to do a stupid ass math test and everything was going fine, except Lex and I were cheating because our dumb ass teacher doesnt teach us anything and Kristina can vouge for that if none of you dumb asses believe me. It was 15 or so minutes into our test and Heather had a question. When you ask a question you normally say"I have a question" but not Heather. Heather said "Dad i need help" we all thought it was hilarious but she denied the whole thing. At lunch heather was gone and we were all wondering if she left with her new dad... maybe hes a foster parent. (oh wait heather has a good family only CL goes to a foster home cause her fucking grandma cant put up with her ass anymore!!!!!!

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 3:41 PM PST
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December 1, 2004
the best teacher in the world... not
Mood:  silly
Yesterday in math class i was eating a bagel and someone, not going to mention any names, told me that i had white stuff in the corner of my mouth. This certain person said it kinda loud so mr. harris, being the dumb ass he is, turned around and said "really, i do?" after we were all in tears from laughing we all wondered what that man was doing before our boring math class started.

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 5:58 PM PST
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bii-aaaaaaaaatch.... again
Mood:  happy
everyone who is reading this, i warn u about the blonde she isnt like most people and she has a lot of problems in her life, one being the only way she gets attention is from meeting random guys and "falling madly in love with them" the second they meet. avoid the blonde at all cost

Posted by weird2/kk1 at 5:57 PM PST
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