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Yea, yea, welcome to the site that hasnt been worked on in about a year or perhaps even, maybe if I get bored enough I'll [Kelly] actually update this site. I know Courtney wont har har :B But She'll probly just give me ideas and pictures hopefully. Yea so enjoy. e_e;



Random Conversation

kellbiness: this summer would be better for me if i could HOLY SHIT WAHT IS THAT?! YOUR ICON GAHH ITS GOING TO FUCUKING IEEAT MEEE
l8585: lol
l8585: wtf.
l8585: what is it lol
l8585: clown!?
l8585: hehehe
kellbiness: omg that is so fucking scary i seriously almost peed my pants
kellbiness: :-(:-(:-(
l8585: lol
l8585: thats hilarious
kellbiness: i really hate clowns :/:/
l8585:lol mee too
l8585: it reminded me of
l8585: "it"
kellbiness: It?
kellbiness: omfg yes
kellbiness: sdfjlsd
l8585: lol
l8585: u ever seen killer clowns..cuz its reminds me of that too
kellbiness: lol no
kellbiness: I try avoiding any movies with clowns
l8585: lol thats funnies
kellbiness: i will have nightmares about getting my head eaten by a clown now.
kellbiness: ....::stares at your icon::....
l8585: aww
l8585: courtney is sawwies
l8585: i'll prolly have a dream about some guy eating ur baby
kellbiness: rofl

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