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Justin's Hair Fan Club

The Justin's Hair Fan Club
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What would YOU look like with Justin's Hair?

What is it about Justin's Hair...

I think Justin's Hair is the best. What would you do if you had Justin's Hair in front of you? Grab it, run your fingers through it, and pet it are a few of the many things that come to mind.

Some people think I am strange for having a site dedicated to Justin's hair. I say to them: what do you have against Justin's Hair?!?
I have made a t-shirt with Justin's Hair on it. All my friends want one just like it. They are very jealous.

My Favorite Web Sites
Weird Links
Weird People
Strange, Unusual and Weird People
Wharped News
email me if you love Justin's Hair too!
Thanks to Lesley for the pics of Simon, Dunk and Ryan with Justin's Hair.