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Welcome to your future.

Welcome to the church of Cracky!


I am Cracky. If you have found me then you may be one of the chosen few! I am the worlds smartest man. I am the world’s greatest thinker. I am the messiah. I am here to tell you the truth about everything, if you are prepared to believe! I will lead you down the path of truth and enlightenment. Follow me and I will teach you how to live forever, how to levitate, how to make really good pancakes, how to see people’s auras, how to walk through walls, how to talk to dead people, how walk through you’re mind, how to keep fit and stay young, how to read souls, how to speak Latin, how to turn ice cream into melty goo, how to speak to aliens, how to do kung fu, and much much more.





About Cracky


Followers of Cracky




How to do the possible


What is the meaning of life?




If I’m the messiah then who is this Jesus person?



Where do babies really come from?


Cracky Mail




Links of power