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Johnny the Homicidal Irken

Uh... Hello. This is a website that has JthI stuff.

What, you may ask, is JTHI?

JthI is an acronym for Johnny the Homicidal Irken.

Here's how I came up with it. You basically take Jhonen Vasquez's two most famous creations (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, available at all Hot Topic's (r) nationwide, and Invader Zim, courtesy of the filthy Nickelodeon pig monkey's who took it off the air. But they had it on the air in the first place, so that's good. If they hadn't approved it in the first place, then I would be deprived of some Zimmy goodness. I'm hungry.), add a pinch of my weird, off the wall sense of humor, throw into my head with all of the nuances of the Johnny comic, hit frappe, and PRESTO! JthI was born.

Not only that, but I just love Jhonen's style of art.

Anyway, JthI will be a monthy comic that I will do. I don't really care much if anyone actually sees any of it, and I doubt they will, because my scanner sucks, but I will post it on the internet nonetheless. Argh, its late. Argh? Where the fuck did that come from? I'm not a pirate... although it would be cool to have a parrot and an eyepatch... Nevermind. It's just really late, and I haven't slept in about 3 days... oh well...

If you want, I have all of the concept art already done, all in a nice neat zip file here. or at the bottom of the page. I put it there to be evil.

These are some other links.

The Art Page!

w00tness, teh comic.

The Review page! Finally up!

The Forum

Links to pages not my own. UPDATED! W00T!

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