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my messed up life
Friday, 16 April 2004
my fucked up last couple of weeks
well i have been going through some tough couple of friend got me i stayed home the last day of school b4 spring break normally that would be a-ok with me but in most of my classes we werent doing anything and i wanted to be there so i could enjoy that moment of not doing anything....i am weird like that...blah....cookie monster.....random////i am getting like my older sister..god help me.....anywho i got fucked on my stewie chewie fundraiser..i called the person that was head of the whole thingy and asked for her to save me a box b/c i had to make up 140.00 more dollars to go on the band trip --anywho i call her the next day and she said that people came by her house and got the last boxes....HELLO I CALLED YOU IN ADVANCE TO SAVE ME A BOX....CAN YOU GET ANYMORE STUPIDER... so i had to come up with i did so now i am going on the i am at my dads so my week has ended pretty dad got each of my little sistrs a big thing for easter..and he couldnt find anything that i might like so he is going to pay for me to go get my nails done professionally..i have tried to do my nails i have tried every brand that is out there but they are alllllll crappy malign--it means evil in another my dad really made my day with that..i am going saturday to get them done...whoaaaa COOKIE MONSTER..... anywho i dont know what else its 12am on friday early have a good triscuit.......whatever i have know idea wat it is ....wait yes i do it is a No cholesterol, low saturated fat, good soarce of fiber,baked whole grain weat cracker...dont believe me eh, get your own box and read has it on the side panal and the front.....ok now i am getting entertained by a cracker box..ok scary/.....dont miss me too much

Posted by weird2/jessica588 at 12:12 AM EDT
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Sunday, 4 April 2004
I am new to this whole thing but soon enought i will understand everything

this weekend was ok i did alot bowling,out to dinner,shopped,dollar store, mall, food shop, and go on the has been lots of fun i am soo happy and o my hair got cut off not it is real short...hehehe o well it looks cute...
alright i gots to bye talk to you later!


Posted by weird2/jessica588 at 3:55 PM EST
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