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Halito! Chim achukma? A, um achukmah akinlih. Ant chukoa, ininili. Sa hochifo ut Oklilia~hila.

Hello. Are you well? Yes I am well too. Come in, sit down - my name is Shadow Dancer.

Hello. I am Shadow Dancer. Although I am far from the lands of my people, I hear their voices on the wind. My people are the Choctaw, driven from their lands in the Mississipi Valley to the dry plains of Oklahoma along with their cousins, the Cherokee. Indeed, Cherokee blood also runs through my veins, and these are the native voices that call to me now. And it is to them I offer my song.

Who Are The Choctaw?
The Choctaw are one of the original tribes from the Mississippi Valley area. Legends tell that the Choctaw people originated from "Ninah Waya", a sacred hill near Nozapter,Mississippi. The name, "Ninah Waya" means "Productive Mountain"and is often referred to as "The Mother Mound".
In 1830, as a result of the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, the Choctaw were forcibly relocated from their homelands to what later became known as Oklahoma.
Twenty-thousand Choctaw began this journey, approximately seven-thousand survived the trip. This was what is now known as the infamous "
Trail of Tears ". The Choctaw have grown from the seven-thousand who survived the Choctaw removal (Trail of Tears) to (as of the 1990 US Census) 86,231 or 4.5% of the Native American Population

Interesting Choctaw Facts

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