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Thebouncingsole And FrEaKyBuBbLeS

thebouncingsole: it has to say "James the Pornographic Otter"

FrEaKyBuBbLeS14: so Masturbate with any pizza lately

thebouncingsole: um, what do u wanna talk about

thebouncingsole: na, pizza hurts :-P

thebouncingsole: the cheese gets all hot

FrEaKyBuBbLeS14: yeah so wut did u use this time?

thebouncingsole: and it sticks

thebouncingsole: lol

FrEaKyBuBbLeS14: yeah that really hurts with all that hot cheese and junk on ur penis

thebouncingsole: i gotta go to work

FrEaKyBuBbLeS14: have fun

thebouncingsole signed off at 3:41:03 PM.

thebouncingsole: dont forget that part

thebouncingsole: it makes it all the better

thebouncingsole signed off at 3:24:03 PM.

thebouncingsole signed on at 3:14:32 PM.

thebouncingsole: what else are u putting on

thebouncingsole: lets talk about bras

thebouncingsole: i wish i could have a bra

FrEaKyBuBbLeS14: u wanna see it?

thebouncingsole signed on at 3:27:38 PM.

*Convorsation between James and Bill*

thebouncingsole: dude, i found something out today

WB L G 27: what?

thebouncingsole: im white =-O

thebouncingsole: dude, they should rename geneva to bogeva

WB L G 27: oh, thats going in my info

thebouncingsole: dude, de careful when u look up, superman might piss in ur eyes

thebouncingsole: dude, could u imagine me as a peurto rican?

thebouncingsole: that would be great, id cook tacos and shit all the time

thebouncingsole: i'd be all like "ole!"

James u wanted this site now u got it :)