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-)- The titantron fades on and you see a logo fading in. And under it the words Jake Ramsey. Then shot in the dark by ozzy plays over the pa system and then the logo fades off and you see a camera crew following this long black hummer limo down this dark road in jersey somewere. They drive down the road for anther 2miles and then they finally run into the jct or 70-72 in new jersey. The hummer limo and the camera crew head east on RT72 towards LBI. They drive down 72 and eneter the town mananhawkin it is now 7:30am and the limo pulls into a wawa on RT72. the camera man keeps the camera on the black hummer limo. As the door swings open you see Jake Ramsey and some chick get out. they walk into wawa and 5mins later they walk back out . with some coffee and rolls. The hummer limo then pulls back onto 72 and heads east again. They hit RT9 and head north towards tomesriver. The hummer reaches the southern reginal school distraed and they pull in. Jake and the women get out of the limo the women is holding jakes tag title in one hand and her coffee in the other. They both walk into the school and walk into the offie. Jake begins to talk to the office lady. -)-

-=(Jake Ramsey)=- Hello there. Mrs. Brown long time no see.

-=(Mrs. Brown)=- Yes Jake it has been a long time. so may i ask what brings you hear today

-=(Jake Ramsey)=- Well im hear to talk to coach stott. Is he in yet?

-=(Mrs. Brown)=- Yes he is. he is in the wrestling room. you know were that is.

-=(Jake Ramsey)=- Yes i very much do. Thanks Mrs. Brown.

-)- Jake and Mrs. Brown hug. Then Jake and the women leave the office and walk down the school hall into the gym. He walks into the back of the gym to a door witch reads. "wrestling room" Jake opens the door and walks in. Coach stott is rolling out the mats and doesnt see Jake. Jake runs over and pushes stott down. Stott looks and jake and begins to smile. Jake helps stott up and the two men shake hands. stott looks at jake and begins to talk. -)-

-=(Stott)=- Wow its been a long time cents i seen you Jake. So what in the world brings you hear today i thought you hated me for what i said to you back in he 8th grade. you know when i said you will never amount to anything. (Jake turns hes head and then snaps it back and smiles with a evil look on his face)

-=(Jake Ramsey)=- Thats why im hear today im hear to kick your ass. (Stott begins to run away) HEY! get back here im only kidding. (Stott turns around and walks back over to jake.) im not here to kick your ass im not even here to yell at you . Im simply here to thank you . Thank you for making me work harder to prove you wronge that i chould be somthing. Look im one half of the iwf tag champs. all because i wanted to prove you wronge. so thanks for being a dick to me in the 8th grade...

-=(Stott)=- Jake all i gotta say is you got your shit togther and you made somthing of yourself im sorry for what i said 2 you in the 8th grade. i know that an im sorry aint going to work. but jake ive been watching you over the years i am probley one of your begins fans belive it or not i watch the iwf week in and week out. you see i know about all your success .. you were the longest iwf euro champing you were also the national champ. and now your tag champs with Midnite angel. But you see i gotta ask you one question befor you go. what are you going to do going up agaist risktaker.?

-=(Jake Ramsey)=- HAHAHA! good old risky. i see risktake and sleepwalker finlly meet in the ring for the frist time ever. you see this aint going to be an easy match for both of us. you see i dont know anything about risk and he dont no jackshit about me. you see all i know about risk is what videotapes show me. you see it has been a couple of years and now i finally get to step into the ring with one of the best iwf champs there was. but you see this aint no normal standerd match this is a match for the right to move into the top 4 and one step closer to the iwf natinal title. you see im a one time holder of that title and if i recall i dont think risk has ever held it. and this week im simply going to give risk all i got and hopefully ill beat him and move into the top 4. But you see i cant get over confident becasue then risk will easy start playing mind games and kick my ass. but you see risk its not your time your out of your prime your nuthing but slime and your a big old crime and im the cop and after or match im simply going to but you in lockdown. so risk get ready because your going to go one on one wit Jake "the sleepwalker" Ramsey....

-)- Jake then turns around and walks out of the wrestling room and the gym shortly following him the women that is with him. He walks out of the school and back into his hummer limo as the camera fades.

Its an OK roleplay i should be doing more soon!
Design and Graphics by Degenerate Designs