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My Spot In CyberSpace
Tuesday, 20 July 2004
Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures!
Alright, I am fed up, frustrated...ready to scream, cry and pull my hair out. The harder I work, the more they take. The more they take, the more I have to work. I am so sick of having no money. I need money desperately. I have 4 kids who need dental work. My 4 year old needsa root canal and extensive dental work. I am a crappy parent because with all the other bills I just can't afford. It's like a guessing game...whom should we pay this week? Who can we deal with being pissed off at us and threatning to take us to court? I am ready to give up...I am sinking and I just don't know what to do. I am at the end of my rope. I see people out here asking for money for operations so they can get skinny or for boob jobs. I am jkust appaled and what is people are giving them money. I need money way more than they anyone giving me money. NOOO..... I don't understand it. Have you ever felt so depressed that you just don't know what to do? I can't give up or my kids will starve but I am just ready to have a nervous breakdown. Do you want to help a great bunch of kids get things they need? health insurance, dental insurance, clothes for school? Send me a Paypal payment at ...thanks

Posted by weird2/isaacgoble at 4:00 PM EDT
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