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Welcome To This Place!

Hello! You are at my webamugij. I am not smart so enjoy. You are cool. This is awesome!! A visitor! While you are here, enjoy anything I have here so far. You'll be outta here in a flash im sure, so, thanx 4 comin! This web thing is interesting, I am enjoying this. Please enjoy ur time here. Still reading hey...PLEASE look at my stuff!! BYE!

Well Becky is my best friend and weve known eachother for 5 years! we make up songs and nobody "gets" us!! Drat you retard! lol we say that alot! We bought Korean junk today THE GARBAGE CAN IS THE BEST! eh becky? you sleep over a lot too! thats complicated cuz ur diabetic so u always gotta test ur number....|-) So ya and were planning a shopping spree but we spent lots of $$ today!! Oh Well!!

Lmao!! ur like, my 2d bestfriend! and we laugh soo much! omg and we both collect fluffy pens!! and u sit by me!! YAY! lol we made a long name 4 me, lord ching choing foy yoing clam ham kiwi yogurt fziszl zazl H2o-4 +7=20!! and ur just 8! and member when steven threw a pencil at the TV? haha! good times...omg the pics from my b-day were SOOOO funny!!lmao! thats all we!and battleship was so evil! FRICK!TOTALLY JAMES!BATTLESHIP BUDDIES! and the crystal crapper...good times...*hehe*

What do i say about tona? um u love cats! and you draw really good! wel better than me! oo and the joke "guess who drowned in the pond today! doo-dah doo-dah!" lmao we laughed so hard and the library grouch was sooo mad at us!!

Well...u r bff with daytona...i think! and u love animals! umm.. i donno wut 2 say about you! youre so quiet.....and i thought your last name was Ronald!! lol oh well!

Well ive known Manda since grade 4! lmao mr venning is SOOOO gay!! and that 1 time @ ur old house we were yelling @ the cars "HONK!!!" and some actually did! lmao good times... and u never get anything! thats the funny part! lmao!

Me and Dionne are in band together! i would die if u werent in it with me! and our song "jingle bells, redlin smells, bingham laid an egg!"LMAO and once u started playin jinglebells when were playing westwind overture!! lmfao! member ashley& misty at shaggys funeral? and we couldnt nail a cross together..or even dig a hole!!

hah youve been my friend since grade 2! youre so funny and youre always calling my parents by their names and maken fun of them...i love that! and ur sooo short! lol tia is almost as tall as u!

Naya youre awesome and you make up weird stories! aw well! and ur website kicks @$$! people, go to it at! GO NOW!

Well youre probably one of my nicest friends!and umm yah! youre always like "did you get your hair cut?" AND I NEVER HAVE SO NO WORRIES!!!lmao in grade 4 we got it easy in math we did "sucess maker" but noone ever did anything in it! we just sat there...

well ive known u since preschool! and noone could tell u apart from jamiethen...but now i can! o well ur so lucky u can never get lonely with a twin!! hmm whos the evil one...?OO u like socks too!

well youre pretty much like jessica! i still wanna twin sortof...and you love socks too! and gymnastics... oh well so yep and i can tell u apart now!!:D:D

Haha Youre a trouble maker! and you like my and shes like "can you go get my vest, i forgot it in the cupboard. im gonna ask mr klaver if i have to wear my blue vest." haha!:D And um...i donno!lol so yep.

Well i donno wutt i can say...uh your frm korea and u give me and ashley pencils. OO AND THE MINI PIZZAS R SOOOOO FUNNY ME AND ASH ATTACK EACHOTHER 4 THEM!LMFAO! lol and u get like a quarter of your lunch! lol good times...

if u want me 2 add you i will just tell me i will!

My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.(my result)

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are DORY!(my result)
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
THERE IS GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS.... You are a halfling....BUT you are HALF ZOMBIE
CHIPMUNK and HALF HUMAN. Congrats!(my result)

Are YOU a Zombie Chipmunk?????
brought to you by Quizilla
CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!! you are 100 % peanut!(my result)

Do you LIKE peanuts?..... or are you just a fake peanut lover?
brought to you by Quizilla Abreviations

BFN Bye For Now
BU Butt Ugly
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ASL Age, Sex, Location
BBD Basically Brain Dead
BBL Be Back Later
BBS Be Back Soon
BTW By The Way
DGT Don’t Go there
DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a F*ck
WB Welcome Back
AFT Away from Keyboard
FTF Face To Face
GAL Get A Life
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
G Grin
HAND Have a Nice Day
HTH Hope This Helps
IJWTK I Just Want To Know
IJWTS I Just Want To Say
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
JK Just Kidding
LOL Laughing Out Loud
LTNT Long Time No Type
OIC Oh I see
OTOH On The Other Hand
PITA Pain in the ass
ROTFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing
SO Significant Other
SOW Speaking of Which
SYT See You Tomorrow
TOY Thinking of You
TNX Thanks
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
TIME Tears In My Eyes
TT4N Ta Ta For Now
TTYL Talk to you later
LMAO Laughing my ass off
MYOB Mind Your Own Business
NFW No f*cking Way
IYSS If you say so
NBD No Big Deal
NP No Problem
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
WBS Write back soon
YGLT You’re gonna love this

My Doggy


Hi!heres a cool picture!

hanks dress



cool hey?


one legged man

why should i care?



? = Alt+15
ÿ = Alt+152
° = Alt+248
 = Alt+0194
¶ = Alt+20
Ö = Alt+153
• = Alt+249
à = Alt+0195
§ = Alt+21
Ü = Alt+154
· = Alt+250
È = Alt+0200
Ç = Alt+128
¢ = Alt+155
² = Alt+253
Ê = Alt+0202
ü = Alt+129
£ = Alt+156
„ = Alt+0132
Ë = Alt+0203
é = Alt+130
¥ = Alt+157
… = Alt+0133
Ì = Alt+0204
â = Alt+131
ƒ = Alt+159
† = Alt+0134
Í = Alt+0205
ä = Alt+132
á = Alt+160
‡ = Alt+0135
Î = Alt+0206
à = Alt+133
í = Alt+161
ˆ = Alt+0136
Ï = Alt+0207
å = Alt+134
ó = Alt+162
‰ = Alt+0137
Ð = Alt+0208
ç = Alt+135
ú = Alt+163
Š = Alt+0138
Ò = Alt+0210
ê = Alt+136
ñ = Alt+164
Π= Alt+0140
Ó = Alt+0211
ë = Alt+137
Ñ = Alt+165
– = Alt+0150
Ô = Alt+0212
è = Alt+138
ª = Alt+166
— = Alt+0151
Õ = Alt+0213
ï = Alt+139
º = Alt+167
˜ = Alt+0152
× = Alt+0215
î = Alt+140
¿ = Alt+168
™ = Alt+0153
Ø = Alt+0216
ì = Alt+141
¬ = Alt+170
š = Alt+0154
Ù = Alt+0217
Ä = Alt+142
? = Alt+171
œ = Alt+0156
Ú = Alt+0218
Å = Alt+143
? = Alt+172
Ÿ = Alt+0159
Û = Alt+0219
É = Alt+144
¡ = Alt+173
© = Alt+0169
Ý = Alt+0221
æ = Alt+145
« = Alt+174
® = Alt+0174
Þ = Alt+0222
Æ = Alt+146
» = Alt+175
³ = Alt+0179
ä = Alt+0228
ô = Alt+147
? = Alt+179
¹ = Alt+0185
õ = Alt+0245
ö = Alt+148
ß = Alt+225
º = Alt+0186
ø = Alt+0248
ò = Alt+149
µ = Alt+230
? = Alt+0190
ý = Alt+0253
û = Alt+150
± = Alt+241
À = Alt+0192
þ = Alt+0254
ù = Alt+151
÷ = Alt+246
Á = Alt+0193
ž =Alt+0158


Good Websites!! ~*GO NOW*~(( it will add my webbie so just delete it if it shows that lol! then go to the adress bar+delete my webbie lol it works!!))

my other webbie ((nott done))
beckys inuyasha site
julianas webbie
chloes webbie
jynayas webbie
aileens webbie
amandas webbie
get dollz pics
girls life magazines website
hotmail if u dont no wut it is lmao!
LOL translation! check out russian!
inklink (its a fun game if ur not in a room wit dumm peoples)
YM magazine website
J14 magazine website
i dont no if this link will work but u can make pics talk its hillarious!