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I Hate Angelfire

"This site is the most fun you can have by yourself without using kleanex" - Mr Dunford
Go Here To Learn Of Baj!

You Really don't Want to Click Here ¬_¬

Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Being your Own Grandfather...

Mental Health Phone Call ^_^

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts Part 2 (NEW!!)

How to annoy or Confuse people in a computer room

This is how teachers really grade our stuff

257 Things to Do when your Bored (New!)

The halls of Stupidity (New!)

The guide to "Engrish and L337" so you know what i am saying on MSN :P (New and made by Jack)

Koala Pictures that you can use on Msn ^^; (NEW!)

Do Not Click This Button!!! (NEW!)

Andrews Webpage!

Gilmore's Webpage!

Nice Guys Finnish Last...

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