Biographies (And an Autobiography)

Jason: That's me. I run the site, usually making it, neglecting it for a year, go back to it, fuck around with it, etcetera. I started this when I realized that every conversation I had with Nick or Brandon was filled with retarded quotes that I figured I'd save. I think some of the quality went down when we started intentionally trying to think of funny things, which is why I prefer candids. But if you don't like them you can suck my nuts. Now that's REAL ULTIMATE POWER.

Brandon: The man, the myth, the legend. Talking to Brandon online is pretty much the same thing as reading this webpage. This annoying son of a bitch is the reason this page exists.

Nick: The Nickster has an unorthodox and deadly style when it comes to his doodles, which is due mainly because of his being molested at a very young age. He sometimes uses crazy wrestler lingo to confuse you marks.

Eric: You either like him or you don't. I like him.

Tim: A mormon volleyball player. He's the newest and youngest to grace Jason's Website of Wonder, but his ambitious style and obvious potential is sure to send him to the top. Actually he's already at the top because I put them in order of newest to oldest, but he's still funny tho.

Mike: My archrival Mike isn't on this page. He was on the old, watered down version where I accepted any piece of shit from someone trying to get in on the action. His wasn't very funny though, because his HILARIOUS SENSE OF HUMOR WHICH BASICALLY INVOLVES FAT JOKES EATING STUFF PHYSICAL COMEDY AND BEING LOUD doesn't really carry over on the internet. However, he was the funniest kid at Lake Mary HS.