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katie's page

places i go

places to go if you're bored enough

lobster magnet
alyssa's page
a non existent (as far as i know) page

changed it to gir. muahahahhaa. i dont know if there are actually lyrics to this since it's a compilation mp3, so deal with it.

well, its alyssa again. im disappointed that katie isnt using this. i'll have to teach her some html or something. ok, well lets see...while im here, what can i do...oh. i'll change the song. that'll be good. here it is, "poppies" by marcy playground. enjoy. (note: if you aren't on a mac you probably cant hear it, so get on a fucking mac already)

hi. im katie. no i lied. im alyssa im making this for katie. im a bored piece of crap. katie wouldn't make a page so i'm making one for her. betcha anything she never updates it or anything. oh well. so instead i'll just put the song lyrics to a great song on here. there's no gir lyrics actually, but im too lazy to take poppies down.


Long long ago, In China I'm told
To England was traded some tea
And so sealed the fate
In pieces of eight
All England and all of the world

When soon his majesty
sent soldiers and thieves
To India Searching for gold
Instead from the ground
Some magic they found
Something far better I'm told

And now this story told
from days of our own
When gossamer doggies ran ran
They'd patiently wait
With pieces of eight
So everybody could smile one more time

i'm not a druggy or whatever, actually im sXe though i dont know about katie, I think she's SE.A.JM., but im not sure. anyways, i just like the song. ok peace out and stuff.