|| Forward || The Alluring Vixens Allison Danger and Desire..Are known to be a little freaky..but what happens when four women have to wrestle in the clothes that happens in?..Kassidy and Madison Are New also..a new formed tag team..Who will begin to cement their spot as a Women's Tag Team...Allison Danger is known as a High-Flyer From Canada..She joined up with Desire and Jasmin St. Claire..and Formed The Alluring Vixens...Tag Along As you see what happens to Allison as she prepares for her match on showdown...|| End Forward ||

abv  S c e n e  O n e  vba
tp Get Down On Your Knees! pt

| Allison Danger is seen walking down the hallway. She look's around as she can smell the fear of all the men around her. She grins knowing that fact. Allison walks down the hallway and then see's Michael Cole bending over getting a drink from a water fountain. Allison walks over to him. She then smack's him on the butt very hard. Michael Cole jumps at the slap and hit's his head off of the top of the water fountain. He turns around to complain to whoever did this. But he just back's up. He stands there waiting for Allison Danger to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Well hello Michael. Did I scare you Michael?

| Michael Cole look's scared. As Alexis look's at Michael Cole staring at him, looking hotter than hell |

| Allison Danger then moves closer to Michael Cole. She look's down at him. She begins to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
So Michael. I heard you wanted to interview me? (raises eye brow) Is that all you wanted to do to me? Interview me? Huh Michael (laughs)

| Michael Cole gulps. He look's around, trying to find a way out of this situation. He look's back to Allison Danger. He begins to talk. |

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
Well Allison. I think that's what would be best. To interview you I mean.

| Allison Danger back's off of him. She laughs. She begins to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Well why didn't you say so. Take a seat Michael. and let's start.

| Allison Danger back's up. She then find a seat and turns it around. She sit's down and leans her elbow's on the back of the chair. Facing Michael Cole. He finds a chair. and sit's it down by but not too close to Allison Danger. He look's at his notes. He then look's up. He begins to ask the questions. |

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
Well Allison. Since signing with the Web Wrestling Federation. You have started off strong. You are now apart of a stable. The Alluring Vixen's. And you are having a tag team match with one of those fellow members. Desire. What do you think about teaming with your fellow stable mate and friend.

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Well Michael. I think it rocks that I'm teaming with Desire. She's a great friend and a kick ass athlete. I think there's going to be some freaky things happening in this match. Not what you think. I just think that since Desire and myself are both new. It's time to make a name for ourselves. and what else could we do. But embarass the hell out of both Kassidy and Madison.

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
Well speaking of Madison and Kassidy. What do you think of them? Madison made a heck of a debut. Showing how she really is.

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Yeah she did. Michael your right. She showed the entire world. That she's a stuck up bitch. I mean Michael. I may be a bitch but I don't waltz right in here thinking I'm the all mighty queen of wrestling. She think's she can get any gold. Well let's see if she can first get past The Alluring Vixen's...

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
Okay what about Kassidy?

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
What about her? She hasn't shown her face here yet, and she expects to win this match against Desire and myself. She's out of her mind for one thing. If she thinks that. And teaming with some snot-nosed stuck up her own ass bitch! Is her biggest problem. She makes me so disgusted. Because of her attitude. (shakes head) I don't even want to talk about that bitch anymore. And if Kassidy is even one percent of the bitch that Madison is. I don't want to talk about her either.

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
Okay what about the type of the match. It's going to be a.....

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
I know what type of match it's going to be. I am going to be in my lingerie. Michael do you know what I wear to bed.

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
Umm. No, what?

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Michael, you pervert! You actually wanted me to tell you. Now your going to pay.

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
But I was just...

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Michael. Now you have to pay the price. Get down on all fours.

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e
What? what are you talking about?

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Do it now!

The  Oh So Frosty  Interviewer  M i c h a e l  C o l e

| Allison Danger glares at Michael Cole. She then watches him as he gives in and get's off his chair. He then get's down on the floor and get's on his hands and knees. Allison Danger smiles. She then get's off her chair. She pushes it out of her way. She bends down and look's into Michael Cole's eyes. She begins to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Now Michael. Bark!

| Allison Danger look's at him. Michael is about to say something to disagree with Allison. She begins to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Michael. Ms. Danger said BARK! So BARK!

| Allison Danger watches. Michael Cole begins to bark like a dog. Allison Danger stands up. She laughs at Michael Cole. She then kick's him down with her boot. She walks away laughing. |

abv  S c e n e  T w o  vba
tp Listen Up Bitches!

| Allison Danger is walking back from her lockeroom. Where she did a quick change before her promo on Madison and Kassidy. Who Desire and her will be going against at showdown. She walks over to a set up. Where promo's are taped. She stands in front of the set. |

| Allison the look's into the camera. The red light goes on that their filming. She begins to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Now Listen here. Because I'm not going to put up with bitches like Madison and Kassidy not listening to every single word I say. Now Let me start with Kassidy. Because that's a bitch I don't know a damn thing about. You know why? Because she's too scared to even show her face around here. She know's when Desire stricks, Danger is coming. And when this is all over. You will both know the names of Allison Danger and Desire. Because We are the new tag team. and that means we are the best Tag Team. Now After this match. I'm going to take care of some personal business. That being Major Gunns. But she is not important tonight. You see I'm not going to talk about how I want the women's title, or a title I don't even deserve. But you two see fit that you always need to go for gold don't you? Your just too stuck on yourself to even look in the god damn mirror once and see that you both are not even in the champions league. You are just two no body's no one wants to even deal with. Now you may think that I'm just a bitch that doesn't like anyone. But see that's where your wrong. You are the two bitches that don't like anyone except yourselves. Because you think you are all so high and mighty that everyone should bow down and kiss that skanky feet of yours. But on Sunday I will show you that you have to earn your stripes when get here. I'm still earning mine. Hell this is the first match that I'm going to recieve my first stripe in. Because unlike you. I know when I deserve something. Kassidy and Madison. I don't even think you deserve a match against me and Desire. Your that low on the scale. But listen. I'll show you how to wrestle come this sunday. Because bitches. There ain't nothing you can do to stop us.

| Allison then look's straight into the camera. She pushes the camera man out of her way. She begins to walk down the hallway and towards her lockeroom. |

abv  S c e n e  T h r e e  vba
tp All The Men Want A Peice Of Me, And All The Women Would Die To Look Like Me!

| "Dangerous Type" Letters To Cleo Blasts through the speakers and the arena fills with mixed feelings. The lights dim red, a cool breeze is around the arena. Then out of the back through the long drapping black curtains walks Allison Danger. She laughs at the people who are booing her. She teases the men that want to be with her. Allison walk's down the ramp as she makes her way to the side of the ring. She laughs at the women who are booing her. She then taunt's them with her tongue, as she laughs. She then kneel's on the ropes and stands up. She look's back at the people booing her. |

| Allison laughs at the booing crowd. She turns around and put's her one leg over the middle rope and then leans in between the middle and top rope. She show's off her nice looking ass. She get's into the ring. She laughs at all the men staring at her and all their girlfriends getting even more angry. She walks over and grabs a microphone. She brings it up to her mouth and begins to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Shut up. and Just listen. I'm not out here to entertain any one of you. I'm here to talk about two no good bitches that have their own heads shoves up their own asses. So let me talk and I won't get angry. (laughs) Now Kassidy and Madison. What can I really say about either one of you that you already don't know about yourself. Well let's see. I'll just go down the list. See if any of this click's in your head okay? (laughs) Both of you I know are really. Well stupid. Going against Desire and myself. You got to be kidding yourself if you think your going to have a chance in this match. Okay Next. You both look like complete trash. Can I say Trailor Park Trash? Or Are you just White Trash? (laughs) You see what really get's me is, look at the date right now. (everyone look's at their watches) I didn't mean to actually look at the date. (laughs) Its already Thursday. And Kassidy nor Madison has shown their face and talked about what they think they are going to do in this match.

Now Let's go on and talk about little maddy again. (laughs) That trash. She think's she Dangerously Beautiful? Like she could pass for either one of those. She's down right ugly. And Dangerous? God even the ref's have more likely to be more dangerous than her. Now I will say this. She has balls. Even accepting this match is a huge indication that both of them have a set. (pause) What they aren't suppose to are they. Being female and all. I guess they really aren't females like we thought they were. (laughs)

Kassidy. I really don't know who she is. I don't know anything about her actually. But I would like to tell her. She is going down the wrong trail teaming with the likes of Madison. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. and I'll just call you stupid. (laughs) Because you and Madison. That's what you two really are? isn't it? Trashy Whores that think they can make it in the wrestling business because they show some Tits and Ass. (laughs) If that's what you think. Put it away bitches! You damn ugly.

Now let me run down to you two what is actually going to happen in this match. Because whatever your thinking. It's WRONG! Because you could beat Desire nor myself in singles matches and you damn better know that you would never stand a chance of getting a victory over us in a tag team contest. Now I want to make this perfectly clear, Listening? (laughs) On Sunday this is going to be a very easy match for Desire and myself. Because look who we are facing? You guys, (laughs) Kassidy and Madison. I mean really I am shaking in my god damn boot's. (laughs) Just reminding you. For you two There is no chance in hell (pause) or heaven that you will be able to beat us. Because the simple fact is. We are better than the both of you. But I'll see you both this Sunday. Ta Ta For now Ladies. Your worst fear has just become your Reality.

| Allison Danger throw's down the microphone. She laughs as the men begin to cheer her again, and the women begin to boo her. She then slides out of the ring. She turns around and look's out to the crowd. She flips off the crowd and laughs. They boo louder. She walks to the back. |

abv  S c e n e  F o u r  vba
tp What The Fuck?!?

| The shower is running in a pretty classy/expensive hotel room. The WWF Camera's look around and then finally hear that the shower is running. They know who's in it. Allison Danger, one of the hottest gothic chick's around. They walk through the hotel room(s). As they enter the bedroom, which always leads to the bathroom. They open the door slowly, and peek into the bathroom. The shower curtain is pulled over, and steam is beginning to rise in the bathroom. |

| The Camera men begin to set up the camera's. To get a good shot of Allison as she exit's the bath tub. One of the camera men begins to trip, and the camera's fall's into the shower curtain. He grabs it and before her can begin to leave the bathroom. Allison Danger pull's back the curtain. So her face is only shower. her eyes widen. She begins to scream. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Oh My Fucking God!? Christ!? What The hell are you doing in here. Get the hell out now!!

| The Camera men run out of the bathroom. After a few minutes Allison Danger appears in a white towel, her hair up in a messy bun. She look's at the camera men. She glares at them. Just then Kevin Kelly walk's out of the group of Camera Men. She glares at him. She turns around. She walks into the bedroom and slams the door. Kevin Kelly shrugs. He sit's down. He waits. |

| Allison Danger walk's out of the bedroom. Dressed and hair styled. She glares at Kevin Kelly who has made himself at home. Watching the history channel. Allison Danger walk's over and grabs the remote off of him and turns off the Television. She sit's down in a chair near where he's sitting. She look's at Kevin Kelly. She begins to talk. |

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
Now Kevin. I don't want to sound like a bitch. But then again I am one. (laughs) So Kevin, I'll ask you. What the hell are you doing here?

The  Wacko  Bi-Sexual  K e v i n  K e l l y
I was just going to interview you about your match, Is that okay?

The  Dominating  Vixen  A l l i s o n  D a n g e r
No, I don't want to talk about The Skankettes. Madison and Kassidy make me sick. Is that enough? Good.

| Allison Danger stands up. She look's at Kevin Kelly |

| Allison Danger watches as Kevin Kelly stands up. Him and the camera crew exit her hotel room. The Scene Fades To Black ||END||

People Used People Mentioned Next Match Career Records Defeated

|| © 2003 The Roleplay you have just read was written by Rachel and It was written for Web Wrestling Federation only!..The graphics in this roleplay were made by Jen From Starlight Productions 2002 So don't even think about stealing any of my shit..Because God..That's just pathetic don't you think?...Don't take anything to heart..Because if you do..your more fucked up in the head than me... ||