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AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:53:51 PM): hi.
ConanOdevilicous (4:54:05 PM): hello
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:54:31 PM): hi!!!!
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:54:34 PM): haha, whats up
ConanOdevilicous (4:54:36 PM): nothing
ConanOdevilicous (4:55:05 PM): being lazy
ConanOdevilicous (4:55:25 PM): could this be a certain Angela?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:55:41 PM): this could be
ConanOdevilicous (4:55:46 PM): hmm
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:55:48 PM): hmm
ConanOdevilicous (4:55:57 PM): this requires decetive work
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:56:03 PM): it sure does
ConanOdevilicous (4:56:12 PM): I should ring up my old pal Hercules P.I.
ConanOdevilicous (4:56:21 PM): no wait
ConanOdevilicous (4:56:27 PM): It's Tarzan
ConanOdevilicous (4:56:30 PM): oops
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:56:39 PM): :-P
ConanOdevilicous (4:56:47 PM): it was a failed tv show that never made it to air
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:56:54 PM): i see.
ConanOdevilicous (4:56:55 PM): Tarzan in Manhattan
ConanOdevilicous (4:57:10 PM): him and the cheeta the chimp became PIs
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:57:18 PM): right.
ConanOdevilicous (4:57:31 PM): I'm glad it never got on tv
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:57:36 PM): ha
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:57:39 PM): my sister says hi
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:57:53 PM): and a bunch of other stuff i can't understand
ConanOdevilicous (4:58:00 PM): well tell her I said, " Hello sister of a perspective Angela"
ConanOdevilicous (4:58:13 PM): I have a new plan. . .
ConanOdevilicous (4:58:17 PM): I'll ask
ConanOdevilicous (4:58:21 PM): what's your name?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:58:34 PM): hmm
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (4:59:21 PM): <--___________
ConanOdevilicous (4:59:26 PM): I'll tell you a joke if you tell me
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:00:01 PM): great incentive (sp?)
ConanOdevilicous (5:00:24 PM): I know
ConanOdevilicous (5:00:26 PM): well?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:00:39 PM): Hi, My name is Angela
ConanOdevilicous (5:02:01 PM): yippe
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:02:02 PM): :-D
ConanOdevilicous (5:02:10 PM): yipee*
ConanOdevilicous (5:02:20 PM): well here's my end of the deal
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:02:30 PM): alrighty
ConanOdevilicous (5:02:38 PM): Did you hear about the unreliable guy with no fingers?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:02:51 PM): ..
ConanOdevilicous (5:03:00 PM): You couldn't count on him!!!
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:03:11 PM): *chuckle*
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:03:16 PM): thanks for that =P
ConanOdevilicous (5:03:21 PM): sure thing
ConanOdevilicous (5:03:28 PM): Do you have any jokes?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:03:45 PM): eh, nope
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:03:58 PM): heh
ConanOdevilicous (5:04:17 PM): oh well
ConanOdevilicous (5:04:21 PM): if you ever do
ConanOdevilicous (5:04:27 PM): come to me first
ConanOdevilicous (5:04:29 PM): please
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:04:45 PM): surely
ConanOdevilicous (5:05:03 PM): huzzah!!
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:06:04 PM): ever gone to, type in weapons of mass destruction then click i'm feeling lucky? thats always fun.
ConanOdevilicous (5:06:19 PM): haha
ConanOdevilicous (5:06:25 PM): no, I might try that sometime
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:06:28 PM): you should
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:06:52 PM): [it leads to a joke page]
ConanOdevilicous (5:07:22 PM): I'll do it now
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:07:33 PM): okey dokey
ConanOdevilicous (5:08:12 PM): aw nutz
ConanOdevilicous (5:08:16 PM): didn't work
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:08:20 PM): yes it did
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:08:23 PM): read carefully
ConanOdevilicous (5:08:43 PM): too lazy
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:08:52 PM): you're no fun
ConanOdevilicous (5:09:00 PM): ok
ConanOdevilicous (5:09:07 PM): I'll read it
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:09:47 PM): I take it you've seen : End of the World and This Land is Your Land
ConanOdevilicous (5:10:23 PM): that's pretty funny
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:10:32 PM): :-)
ConanOdevilicous (5:10:47 PM): yeah, I've seen em
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:10:52 PM): alrighty
ConanOdevilicous (5:11:00 PM): I love the end of the world
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:11:09 PM): hehe
ConanOdevilicous (5:11:28 PM): I was just thinking about it the other day
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:11:41 PM): interesting
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:12:10 PM):
ConanOdevilicous (5:13:18 PM): what a hoot
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:13:30 PM): eh =P
ConanOdevilicous (5:13:51 PM): so what have you been up to lately?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:14:08 PM): bumming around the house
ConanOdevilicous (5:14:13 PM): word
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:14:16 PM): yes yes
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:14:21 PM): wake up, breakfast, internet
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:14:26 PM): heh
ConanOdevilicous (5:15:01 PM): mine is wake up(if I actually slept), root beer, internet
ConanOdevilicous (5:15:11 PM): usually
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:15:12 PM): good stuff
ConanOdevilicous (5:15:16 PM): sure i9s
ConanOdevilicous (5:15:17 PM): is
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:15:42 PM): oh, and i occasionally practice piano
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:15:48 PM): or, read
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:15:50 PM): or study
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:15:51 PM): yep
ConanOdevilicous (5:16:02 PM): I play in a band sometimes, in fact I have practice in 45 minutes
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:16:25 PM): at 6?
ConanOdevilicous (5:16:29 PM): yep
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:16:36 PM): if i remember my time zones correctly
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:16:37 PM): yay
ConanOdevilicous (5:16:47 PM): *ding ding ding* correct!!!
ConanOdevilicous (5:16:54 PM): good job :-)
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:16:58 PM): yepp yep
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:17:02 PM): one hour differeeence
ConanOdevilicous (5:17:04 PM): I love the cental time zone
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:17:16 PM): cental, nice
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:17:32 PM): eastern standard time!!!
ConanOdevilicous (5:17:55 PM): I never was the standard
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:07 PM): aha
ConanOdevilicous (5:18:17 PM): what made you Im me anway?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:25 PM): you didn't want me to im you
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:27 PM): ?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:32 PM): or ever talk to you, at all
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:35 PM): eh?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:40 PM): i just wanted to say hi
ConanOdevilicous (5:18:42 PM): oh
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:44 PM): and have a nice little chat
ConanOdevilicous (5:18:46 PM): yeah thanks
ConanOdevilicous (5:18:53 PM): I'd say this is nice
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:18:56 PM): what, thought there was an ulterior motive? :-P
ConanOdevilicous (5:19:15 PM): no, just curious
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:19:20 PM): i see
ConanOdevilicous (5:19:37 PM): unless. . .
ConanOdevilicous (5:19:37 PM): hmmm
ConanOdevilicous (5:19:42 PM): could there be?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:19:45 PM): not at all
ConanOdevilicous (5:20:11 PM): oh good, the last thing I need is a wacko after me. I get enough of that looking into the mirror
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:20:35 PM): eh, don't say that 'bout yourself
ConanOdevilicous (5:21:56 PM): ha I'm listening to the theme of Ghostbusters. I love that line, 'busting makes me feel goooood'
ConanOdevilicous (5:22:05 PM): sounds hilarious
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:22:15 PM): strategic move off the subject
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:22:19 PM): very cool
ConanOdevilicous (5:22:30 PM): haha but I am a wacko
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:22:40 PM): i'm hmm G4Techtv in the background
ConanOdevilicous (5:22:55 PM): nifty
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:22:58 PM): very
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:25:12 PM): so, my nifty chatango didnt load :-( ?
ConanOdevilicous (5:26:06 PM): no
ConanOdevilicous (5:26:22 PM): not on my comp anyway
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:26:27 PM): ah ok
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:26:40 PM): i love it when they click pics from the profile heheheh
ConanOdevilicous (5:26:42 PM): it loaded
ConanOdevilicous (5:26:47 PM): it just couldn't connect
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:26:51 PM): oh, ok
ConanOdevilicous (5:26:52 PM): hahah yeah
ConanOdevilicous (5:26:57 PM): that's a nice gag
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:27:14 PM): sure is hehe
ConanOdevilicous (5:29:39 PM): have any jokes now?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:30:00 PM): no, i've been editing my new gmail account
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:30:02 PM): sorry
ConanOdevilicous (5:30:21 PM): eh, it's perfectly ok. Just thought I'd check
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:31:04 PM): heh
ConanOdevilicous (5:31:31 PM): wow, I just realized how lame I am for making a playlist of nothing but tv themes
ConanOdevilicous (5:31:43 PM): I'm listening to SEINFELD now. Hooray
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:31:50 PM): hooray
ConanOdevilicous (5:33:12 PM): oh
ConanOdevilicous (5:33:18 PM): The Simpsons is on
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:33:30 PM): oh :(
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:33:32 PM): or :-)
ConanOdevilicous (5:33:33 PM): it's the Behind the Luaghter episode
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:33:42 PM): i like that one
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:33:46 PM): well i like all
ConanOdevilicous (5:33:47 PM): :-) X10 to the maxxx
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:33:54 PM): but, i have no access to a television
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:34:02 PM): except my parents >.<
ConanOdevilicous (5:34:14 PM): oh
ConanOdevilicous (5:34:16 PM): so sorry
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:34:24 PM): eh, its fine
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:34:27 PM): my tv broke
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:34:36 PM): when my room was being repainted
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:34:39 PM): my dad
ConanOdevilicous (5:34:47 PM): oh
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:34:55 PM): yepppp
ConanOdevilicous (5:35:13 PM): what color?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:35:23 PM): television?
ConanOdevilicous (5:35:31 PM): haha
ConanOdevilicous (5:35:38 PM): your room
ConanOdevilicous (5:35:39 PM): silly
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:35:39 PM): >.<
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:35:40 PM): hehe
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:35:42 PM): silly me
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:35:47 PM): its light purple
ConanOdevilicous (5:35:53 PM): pretty
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:36:07 PM): yes, but it wasn't worth getting my tv broken
ConanOdevilicous (5:36:26 PM): I'd take a tv over paint anyday
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:36:39 PM): the parental units just decided to fix my room b/c my brother is moving into his own room
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:36:52 PM): yes, tv > paint
ConanOdevilicous (5:37:45 PM): I dare even say Jay Leno > Monet
ConanOdevilicous (5:37:53 PM): would you agree?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:38:21 PM): it depends on ... jay...
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:38:36 PM): but, you know, i haven't watched any late night all summer
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:38:38 PM): so..
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:38:50 PM): i can stare at the fake monet in the living room
ConanOdevilicous (5:39:34 PM): haha go for it
ConanOdevilicous (5:39:42 PM): who do you like. Leno or Letterman?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:39:51 PM): leno
ConanOdevilicous (5:39:54 PM): yay!
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:40:00 PM): yay
ConanOdevilicous (5:40:32 PM): I hate letterman so much. He's just not funny
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:40:46 PM): [I'll take any tv i can get]
ConanOdevilicous (5:41:08 PM): I usually do too
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:42:34 PM): my brother is watching someting on mortal combat [the video game] , tis interesting..
ConanOdevilicous (5:43:01 PM): what is it?
ConanOdevilicous (5:43:11 PM): Cooking with Scorpion?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:43:25 PM): heh
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:43:35 PM): lots of blood is always fun
ConanOdevilicous (5:44:03 PM): yep
ConanOdevilicous (5:44:33 PM): on Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, there's a hidden thing called Cooking with Scorpion
ConanOdevilicous (5:44:35 PM): it's great
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:44:46 PM): ah
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:45:13 PM): you're going to end up being late for practice, no?
ConanOdevilicous (5:45:18 PM): One time I had a lot of fake blood for some reason and I put it all over my hands then made the shower look like a murder scene
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:45:28 PM): nice.
ConanOdevilicous (5:45:34 PM): no sweat. We're gonna do it in my garage today
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:45:35 PM): someone has a lot of time on their hands
ConanOdevilicous (5:45:44 PM): yeah, time and blood
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:45:53 PM): haha
ConanOdevilicous (5:49:10 PM): well, I think I'm going to give my drums a quick tune up while commercials are on
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:49:18 PM): alrighty then
ConanOdevilicous (5:49:23 PM): fun time
ConanOdevilicous (5:49:27 PM): bye bye
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:49:28 PM): hope so
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:49:30 PM): bye
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:49:34 PM): nice talking
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:49:35 PM): :-)
ConanOdevilicous (5:49:44 PM): no doubt about it!!!
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:49:48 PM): !!!
ConanOdevilicous (5:49:54 PM): haha yeah
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:49:58 PM): *waves bye bye*
ConanOdevilicous (5:50:13 PM): first
ConanOdevilicous (5:50:17 PM): I wanna ask you something
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:50:22 PM): okey dokey
ConanOdevilicous (5:50:28 PM): Do you think I use '!!!' too much?
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:50:41 PM): not at all
ConanOdevilicous (5:50:44 PM): oh good
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:50:51 PM): why, do others think this
ConanOdevilicous (5:50:54 PM): I try to use it at least once per post/comment
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:51:02 PM): i see
ConanOdevilicous (5:51:03 PM): your the first one I've asked
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:51:10 PM): alrighty
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:51:17 PM): are you going to poll others
ConanOdevilicous (5:51:22 PM): no
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:51:27 PM): ah
ConanOdevilicous (5:51:39 PM): I think you're a good authority on these things
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:51:54 PM): how so
ConanOdevilicous (5:52:08 PM): you just seem to be on the net a lot
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:52:23 PM): i am
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:52:38 PM): :-)
ConanOdevilicous (5:52:38 PM): thought so
ConanOdevilicous (5:52:43 PM): ok
ConanOdevilicous (5:52:47 PM): I'm out
ConanOdevilicous (5:52:51 PM): for real this time
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:52:51 PM): adios
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:52:55 PM): yes for real
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:52:59 PM): *waves*
ConanOdevilicous (5:53:06 PM): later
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:53:12 PM): see you then
ConanOdevilicous (5:53:17 PM): i mean bye bye
ConanOdevilicous (5:53:22 PM): I also usually say bye bye
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:53:38 PM): dragging out this goodbye
ConanOdevilicous (5:53:44 PM): sorry
ConanOdevilicous (5:53:47 PM): bye bye
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:53:48 PM): its fine
AllYouNeedIsL0V3 (5:53:51 PM): bye bye
Session concluded at 5:53:58 PM