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Monday, 22 September 2003
~entry 6~
i miss my blurty...thats sad?

Posted by weird2/georgieboy14 at 6:20 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 22 September 2003 6:20 PM EDT
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Sunday, 21 September 2003
~ entry 5~
bored. didnt really do anything today. went to my mom's friend's house and saw her kid...
wright, liz, aubrey, and logan came over yesterday and we went to the mall. liz, my mom, rachel, logan, aubrey, and me...i...we went to the mall. so they really said that they were comming over at 3 but my mom thought that she said 1...whatever. but they did come over... all...



Posted by weird2/georgieboy14 at 8:04 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 September 2003 8:05 PM EDT
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Saturday, 20 September 2003
~entry 4~
had to wake up at 7 to go to rachel's meet. not great fun. but she made it in the top 20 and gets to go to fresno. so at least i get a weekend without her. haha. jk 2:30 and wright and liz and aubrey and logan were supposed to be over here at 1. knew it wasnt gonna happen cuz they're never on time...seriously. this is always how late they are. but...just waiting. meanwhile, im not doing anything else

ps. post a comment. :D

Posted by weird2/georgieboy14 at 5:28 PM EDT
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Friday, 19 September 2003
~ entry 3~
heh. three entries in one day. though that last one didnt really count as an entry. anyway...
--j bo--heehee. jordan. hi. where have you been all day? you're supposed to :D oh wait. i did say hi to you but it was ashley...ok. well, get back online
--jessie--yay! im on your shout out list!! yes. disneyland. we really need to do that. yep yep. ok. so remember. gotta see umbrige.
--erin and megan--leeb scares me a a creepy way. i know erin agrees. i was talking to you today about it. and i'll have to tell you about it later, megan.
--trang--stupid, annoying teachers with the lame jokes. heh. just want to be your friends, right.
--kim--remember when you never had anythin gin your profile? still dont..

HATExSPINNERBAIT: hey...theres nothing in your profile!
boRed LyK wHoA: oh god .. not this again ..

Posted by weird2/georgieboy14 at 11:42 PM EDT
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~entry 2~
stay away from me EVIL MONKEY! as
scary as it might be, you are an evil monkey.
by the way...i dont like evil monkeys..

are you an evil monkey?!
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by weird2/georgieboy14 at 9:19 PM EDT
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~entry 1~
so i guess you can say this is like a journal, right? well, the deal with this is i leave comments to people who i know or who are my friends and then they can post a comment. i might have some journal entries too...heh. if anything actually happened in my life. but you get the deal.
--jordan--the first one is to you because of the whole blurty thing. i decided to drop that for something different. aaaand....this is it. so...thats all. i cant think of anything i have to say to you right now.
--megan--im going back and forth, huh? lol. first is blurty, then i used the xanga and now this! well, i obviously get bored easily. so, read this if your computer will let you. ok? ok.
--erin--haha. yeah right. im so sure you're online and reading this...heh. i just talked to you on the phone...for, like, an hour. ok. so, too bad you cant come over. hve fun with your aunt and ungle!

jacob insulted hilary duff!:

FrozenFlameSerge: wanna hear something funny?
HATExSPINNERBAIT: are you are gonna do the same thing i did to you?
FrozenFlameSerge: no
FrozenFlameSerge: no
HATExSPINNERBAIT: whats so funny?
FrozenFlameSerge: I insulted hilary duff a little bit ago
FrozenFlameSerge: I told her she was fat and stupid and i hate her
FrozenFlameSerge: she said that's not very nice
HATExSPINNERBAIT: i dont get it
FrozenFlameSerge: why?
FrozenFlameSerge: what's not to get
FrozenFlameSerge: ?
FrozenFlameSerge: I insulted hilary duff on aim
HATExSPINNERBAIT: good for you
FrozenFlameSerge: i feel special


ok. so please leave as many comments as you want!
thanks. :D

Posted by weird2/georgieboy14 at 8:59 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 19 September 2003 9:19 PM EDT
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