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<bgsound src="05_GoodCharlotte_LosAnthem.mp3" loop="infinite"> Like the BG music get it right here !!">
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Free downloadable games,patches,guides,and more!.">
2/7/02 Made site.. dont forget to check the poll. You can send me some things that i can use on my site. 4/2/03 DAVID GOT BRACES!! didnt update in a long ass time! things that happened today: 1go to school.... 2laugh at david.... 3do work... 4do language... 5recess.... 6math... 7lunch... 8work.. 9do random stuff! ..........Mr.A is going away for 2 weeks! .............. CLICK ON MY OUTWAR LINK .......4/3/03 im updating at school... trying to finish my powerpoint while trevor is looking at picturs of naked guyss....YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT TREVOR!! 4/4/03 playing outwar at school..... trevor is soooooo weak... im gonna put more stuff on my site later...... i made a games section on my site.... you should go check it out. 2:07-YOU ARE GAY JASON.....YES YOU Jason said "gene is gay!" jason stop calling my house (i have caller id!) 6:03- my little cousin is at my house.he always bothers me 6:24- added starcraft and warcraft3 to the games page.. 6:27- i think outwar is down... HOW COME NOONE EMAILS ME NO MORE>?!?!?!?!?!?! my e-mail is: 4/5/03- .....11:02 ---i gotta go to my little cousins party at some chineese resteraunt. i think today is going to be boring.. 4/7/03---- 5:42- dosnt seem like 5:42.. DAVID DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE PLAYING OUTWAR!!! 4/8/03--my little cousins at my house again.... Corey you wuss... you never play starcraft with me. i went on exactly 4:00 and you wernt there 4/11/03---- 12:15 at school- davids not obsessed with outwar but trevor is. go to davids site: im gonna play outwar now -go on this link! 4/14/03... i checked david site and he put me in the gay people list... DAVID IF YOUR LOOKING AT THIS...... TAKE OFF OR ILL LEAVE YOUR CREW..... 4/16/03 im attacking j-love for trevor at school...bored 4/23/03 or 4/24/03 in not sure.......... i made an outwar tips page!!!! vacation is boringg... IF YOU PLAY COUNTER STRIKE GO TO 4/25/03 took me about 20 minutes to do my book report.... spring break is still boring... its almost time for school..... SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! 4/26/03 tomorrow we have school again(damn)!!!!i finally found the tag code for putting sound on your site. email me if you want the tag.sign my guestbook and click on my outwar link. 4/30/03--jason let me borrow tenchu 3... THE STEATH KILLS ARE COOL! when you do a stealthkill it like you cut off their head or stab them in the heart from the back, ect. ect... lots of blood involved! OKAY.. put new backround music on my site.i think the k-4 talent show was crappy, most of the preformances were CRAP! dont forget to click on my outwar link and sign the guestbook! img src="" width="750" height="20" > 5/2/03.. 8:09 A.M today is the jog-a-thon!! i think i am going to run/walk 10 laps.. AFTER THE JOG-A-THON 4:48 ---::: i ran(walked/ran) exactly 10 laps!.... outwar is down... AGAIN! i was playing wind waker for about 30 mins..david sed that he wanted to play counterstrike..i called him but he wasnt at home.. --------Email me with a sound(.midi, .wav. ,or.mp3) attached to the mail and i MIGHT put it on the site for a few days.-----------------
Free downloadable games,patches,guides,and more!.
5/3/03--- My cousin slept over at my house...i was playing windwaker for a liilte while.look at all the stuff i found!
20 free outwar clicks!
All GBA, NES, SNES,GBC,N64,PS,PS2,X-BOX,NGC R{O}M{Z} and E{M}U{L}A{T}e{r}s
C{o}un(t)er-St(R)iKe H(C)K"S"
.... okay the rest of the day i think that im going to do the stuff that i normally do. 5/9/03--- a friday like no other.... i went to school and i did work. now im working on my RPG and playing counterstrike™.im writing into my angelfire™ site rite now.... out war dosnt work and im bored!! ...... heres some random crap that you can copy and paste::: ™ Þ ü š þ ã ╟ ╚╔ƒ¿ ö„¦í 4/17/03... i THINK.. its saturday today and now im writing in my website playing everquest and counterstrike.. my little cousin is at my house again \... I was bored so i changed some of my counterstrike weapon skins. 5/30/03-------- doing stuff... playing MOH:AA... pwning people at it. making fun of people online... CLICK ON MY OUTWARLINK!!! oh yeah. at school trevor got REALLY sick and he had to go home really early... HAH!!! little cousins at my house being dumb and crying and acting more stiupid and crying some more....other than that today was a regular day..... <(O.O<) <(0.0)> (>O.O)> <(O.O<) <(0.0)> (>O.O)> <(O.O<) <(0.0)> (>O.O)> <(O.O<) <(0.0)> (>O.O)> AHHHH DANCING KIRBYS!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! sign the guestbook ...........go to my counterstrike tips page.... not finished... Feel free to post any links.... i might put it on my site....

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Some sites

davids site
trevors site

ip's of where i play counterstrike
