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Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day and Resturantin Homer, MI
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Kentucky Fried Movie

On the Sunday before Memorial Day Merry cooked up brats and country style ribs on the grill. She made cole slaw and cake and baked beans and chopped up a ton of fruit. It was delicious. Molly and Logan and Gina as well as June and Mike and a friend of theirs A.J. As well as Mikes sister Nancy were there. Layla was there and Audrianna showed up late as Billy had her that day.

A friend at work John Latta and his wife Sandy have a new restaurant in Homer on 106 E. Main. It's called Sandys Mainstreet. I want to go as soon as possible.










































June and Mike


































June and Audryanna


Merry Playing Peekaboo with Layla

































 John Latta



Posted by weird2/gardner at 4:33 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 26, 2008 4:59 PM EDT
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Monday, May 19, 2008
First BBQ and 500 S. Jefferson St.
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Juno
Lucille turned 90 on Friday. Tammy took her to the casino near Mt. Pleasant. She said she had a good time but did not win. She came over on Sunday and we had Brats and chicken off the grill. Merry's famous potatoe salad and italian pasta salad with the tortallinis in it. She also made a cake.


Grandma lives at 500 S. Jefferson in a senior care aprtment complex. It is the converted old high school of Mason. It has a community center and a beauty shop, laundry facilities and pull cords in the bedrooms and bathrooms to summon help if needed. Some of the residents hang out inside the vestibule and I have seen them often. I have a few pictures of them and Linda the manager.

I like trucks. Here are some I saw in the Meijers parking lot.

I like cats. My cat loves to lick Merry's hair.







Posted by weird2/gardner at 11:26 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 19, 2008 12:05 PM EDT
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Sunday, May 11, 2008
Layla comes over
Mood:  caffeinated
Logan and Gina came over with a few of Logans friends Kirk and Roger. Layla is scootin around and can pull herself up to stand. Logan worked on Merry's computer and foud the hard drive and the wireless connection fried. I'll have to send the drive back to Seagate for a replacement and purchase UPS protection for our computers it looks like. I'm wondering if Merry's new power supply is not the problem.

Back to work tomorrow. Take out the trash and away I go.

Posted by weird2/gardner at 8:40 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, May 11, 2008 8:47 PM EDT
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Mothers Day 2008
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Iron Man
Topic: Brunch and a movie

Today is Mothers Day. Mom was in town and met Merry and me at the Big Boy.

We had the buffet and it was delicious. Happy Mothers Day mom.


The Big Boy is now no smoking and with the times is also a Wi Fi hot spot. After that Merry and I went to see Iron Man. I liked it. Heroes aren't Born. They're Built. Robert Downey Jr. was good and Gwyneth Paltrow looked good. I heard Jeff Bidges voice, but could not identify him for a while. He looks so different with the bald head and beard. Logan and Gina should come by this afternoon.



Posted by weird2/gardner at 4:00 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, May 11, 2008 4:12 PM EDT
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
CPAP Rules
Mood:  happy

Finally have a day off. One day only and worked overtime every day since the 9th. including a few doubles except on Sat. David says I'm a workaholic.  Today is Logan's birthday. Tomorrow is Gina's birthday. Don't have a lot of money but a little cash to Logan, for a new CD player for his car and a gift certificate for a pedicure for Gina is actually more than I can afford but I'll just do it. I've been working on helping to get Markus Kelly's benefit going by squeezing bucks from my fellow officers and supplying items to raffle off. Kelly's wife is so ill that this trip to the Mayo clinic is pretty much just a quality of life thing. He was a great person to work with and I hope we can raise enough money to ease the problem of things insurance just does not cover.

The cpap machine is awesome. I have been getting the best sleep since I can recall. I was able to obtain the model that recognizes needed changes in pressure. Thank goodness for my insurance. these babies are expensive.




Posted by weird2/gardner at 12:57 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:29 PM EDT
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Been almost a year
Mood:  caffeinated

Hello people. Been a long time but after a medically and psychologically induced emotionally significant event at the end of Feb. there have been some changes to my life. High blood pressure and other factors have dictated that I implement some life style changes. I really enjoy my whiskey but that is over now. No alcohol is the order of the day, everyday. Feb. 29th. Was the first day and with the help of support groups and my counselor David my blood pressure is better than ever. I also have had a sleep study and hopefully this day I will get a cpap machine to counter my sleep apnia. This should also help the blood pressure as well as allow me to finally start getting the restful sleep I have so sorely missed over the years.

Over the last year I have seen the new additions to the family. Layla, Logan and Gina's daughter and Audrianna, Molly and Billy's daughter. Last fall Lucille Hohenschau, Mary Jane's mother has been moved up here in Mason and lives at the Jefferson Street apartments Senior Living Facility.





Posted by weird2/gardner at 8:54 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:12 PM EDT
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Lanny and Loree's Wedding
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: MST3
On March 15th. 2007 Loree' was wed to Lanny Sisson. Lanny is A Safety Director for Schuff Steel. Loree' is also a Safety Person for Schuff Steel.Schuff Steel

They both live in North Los Vegas and are working on the Palazzo Casino. I believe it is the biggest steel concern being erected in the US at this time.

Lanny and Loree' allowed me to stay at their home and I was able to learn about Lanny and I'm Very Happy to say that my sister has really got herself a good man.

Lanny and Loree' at All Saints Episcopal Church.

Loree' and Lanny and Father Ed.

This is me after Loree' set me up in some duds from Sheplers

Lanny and Loree' have a few friends from work, Garry and Terri. They also have a next door neighbor Robert. You can see a short video of them and catch Lannys Oklahoma accent here.VIDEO

I'd like to conclude this entry by saying that Lanny loves my sister with so much blinding love that I am very proud to have him as a brother in law. I look forward to meeting more of my new family as well as letting him meet my wife Merry. I had never been to Los Vegas and I saw the Rocky's and Canyons for the first time going out there. Congratulations to Loree' and Lanny Sisson.

Posted by weird2/gardner at 11:39 AM EDT
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Out of Context
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Yipes
Ok I was just thinking about what Mark Dantanino was about when I made a statement about this new coach. I had no idea that I would be quoted. My apolagies to all my spartan friends, family, and Mr. Smith.

Those who know Dantonio's name say it's perfect fit
Lansing State Journal
Sitting at the bar of Dagwood's Monday afternoon, Terry Gardner said he knew one thing about MSU's new football coach, Mark Dantonio: that he didn't know much about him.
"No one I've talked to knows anything about this guy or why he'd be a good coach," the Mason man said. "I'm anxious to find out more."
Many Spartan fans found themselves in a similar situation, saying the former University of Cincinnati coach was an unknown quantity.
But they greeted the decision to hire him with a cautious sort of optimism.
"I don't know anything about him, but I wish him a lot of luck," said Larry Zbanek of East Lansing. "He's coming into a program that needs a lot of help from the top down."

Indeed, MSU's lackluster season under John L. Smith has left many fans longing for a change and some said Monday they're not too picky about how it happens.
"I'm looking forward to getting some better seasons," said Dagwood's owner Mark Chea-dle. "I don't care who they bring, as long as they win some games."
Jerry Sutton of Lansing rents one of the luxury suites at Spartan Stadium. His view: "Suite or no suite, it was a disappointing football season."
And though Sutton doesn't know much about Dantonio, what he does know makes him optimistic.
"He's been with winning programs. He's been here, so he knows the environment here. I would have hope for him," Sutton said.
A significant amount of nay-saying has popped up hi the blogosphere.
For instance, this was posted Monday morning on's blog, Hey Joe!, by Rudy Peck-am: "Get ready for 4 more years of pain. If this guy can't win more than 7 game(s) at the small

tune level what can we expect in the Big 10? Thanks for the hope MSU!"
But there are also some — particularly those who have followed Dantonio's career more closely — who think his hiring is just the ticket.
Dave Krause, an MSU senior and co-director of the Corner Blitz, the official student section at MSU football games, is one of them.
"Overall, I think it's a great move," he said. "Wherever he's served, he's done great things, so we're looking forward to seeing great things come out of him when he's head coach at Michigan State."
Steve Rothwell of DeWitt said Dantonio was "a great hire."
"He's a disciplinarian with ties to the Midwest and Michigan State. I think it's great for recruiting and great for MSU," he said.
And better, he added, than John L. Smith.
"At this point, I think anything else would be better than him," Rothwell said.
Contact Matthew Miller at 377-1046 or

in all fairness. Yes I was aware of his old history at MSU with Sabin and I was very aware of his history at Ohio bling ring. Yes I was aware of the upset with Rutgers. But I was ignorant when running my Mouth. I just wanted to say what I felt. Duh And another Duh. And yes The ring Impressed me Very much.

Posted by weird2/gardner at 7:11 PM EST
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

I’m not getting a lot done today. It’s my only day off this week and I’m grouchy and feel under pressure. I did purchase two new lithium batteries for my Media Player & Video Recorder Camcorder. I want to be prepared this year to record the Holidays. I will be off work from Christmas through the 7th of January.

I copied a football training DVD for a pal at work. I sure hope those copies work for him.
Terry Copacia

With the passing away of Bo Schembechler I was more than happy to watch and cheer on the Wolverines Saturday afternoon after work. It was a great game and I was surprised when my Mom called me up and let me know that she was also watching the game. Merry and I watched the game at the Mason Jar.

I think I’ll approach the afternoon by getting ready for work. That way I will ready to go tomorrow morning. My boots will take at least half an hour to clean up and shine. And it will take hours to get my uniforms ready.

Posted by weird2/gardner at 12:55 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, November 19, 2006 1:01 PM EST
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Hello Everyone
I have soooo much to do today. Having only the one day off I'm torn between relaxing and getting so much stuff done around the house

I took a Subway sandwich to Vance on Wednesday. He will be off work through March.hodgkins

Hello to Mom And Mike. They are back in Leesburg FL. So sorry you came down with that virus mom but glad to hear your on the mend. Here is a link to the Leesburg downtown area webcam.Leesburg web cam

It appears to be the city hall

later dater

Posted by weird2/gardner at 9:58 AM EST
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