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Don't forget to... uh... what was I saying?



Squeezing what bits of enjoyment remain to me for summer vacation. New blog... that's about it.


Hi again. Okay. From now on, any date-headings that are bold and have stars around them (see above) are "last put-up" thingies. Not necessarily new - I don't have enough drive to update this darn thing every day after I post something up here. Too bad for you. :-P
Okay. It seems that a blog is all this site will ever be... but I don't know. I'm beginning to think there isn't much point in my putting up a blog here, and I may replace it with a fantasy-epic-journal instead. Heehee. Once again, too bad for you. I DENY you all juicy secrets! DENIED! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Pardon me.
Some of you may have noticed that the picture of Legolas is now gone. You would be correct about that. It is indeed gone. It has been replaced with a picture that came from (excellent excellent site!!!), and will stay that way. Maybe. No, probably not, but I do happen to like it.
I may also put up a list of links to all the web comics I'm so obsessed with. There are quite a few of them. But that will come later, if at all.
Ta-ta for now. Enjoy the two new blogs I've put up.


Heya, folks! Welcome to this here website. Umm... not much to see, really, right now. Still fixing it up, deciding what I want to put on here. Lots of empty boxes lying around from my conversion of this site.

Some of you (maybe not all of you, or even most of you, considering my laziness) might remember this site in its younger days. However, I've gained a bit of sanity since then, so I'm remaking this to match me a bit more.

So, well, just feast your eyes on my pretty picture of Legolas while I get all this set up. Have fun!