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"Will From AudioA"

*This cool box
is very amusing!*
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Shining Afar, High in the Midnight Sky!

*My Profile Page*

•Summer is here

•Muse has a great cd

•I'm working a lot so sorry to ppl who want to actually see me

•Trip to Juarez, Mexico coming up on July 15-23. Ahh the time to build houses and stock up on Manzana lift. And Jesse L., we cannot forget about SHAVING EXTRAVAGANZA!! Woo hoo lol the arm shaving was a highlight of my trip Jesse. I'm going to love seeing you again Babe. You are da bomb. *hug* and Mankiller and Chelmo!! OO its massage time!

•Still lonely, still broken, still sane

•I may remain alone for the rest of my life

•I have met the 2nd hottest guy in the world on the 7th of May

•BK had his baby

•I like the hottest guy in the world right now. You know who you are Z.M.

I'm exceptionally artistic! Find your soul type at

Green Day

The Awesomest Band Alive!!!Ü

Audio Adrenaline

The Greatest Christian Band!!!Ü

Day:Fri July 1
Music:Switchfoot-Sooner or Later
Other:Insanity from being too clingy
Blue Eyed Boy
So....haven't done the typing in a while. I blame work cuz I'm there all the time. Its not like anyone reads this stuff anyway. Since the last entry, hell is over, work has begun, Love dies with R.M.M.R, Likes begin with another, and drama, drama, drama everywhere. Ahhh...only one good thing in there. That's the spirit. Ha my esteem for myself goes right down the drain. eh I don't know what to type....hmm well i just typed a poem cuz I'm insane from clingyness right now. I'm sure its fun to read...sort of (in bad format)...."Oh Blue Eyes Boy"-- Oh blue eyed boy, It’s always all work and no play, huh?.. I’m always seeing you there Playing with your paints and whatsits But I never see you out of the uniform Living your life on your own free time Even though the free time is plentiful… Oh blue eyed boy, Never having time for me But yet you put me in the line Putting me in line while your life is in the fast track I have to wait while other people cut ahead, Joining the ride with you You see me there and care about me so But the line just keeps moving on You can’t cut through it Oh blue eyed boy, I try to make what free time I have open for you But our schedules never seem to agree There is always a party here or there Or people to be seeing You want me to join along for the ride but I’m just too slow I can’t ever catch up Oh blue eyed boy, You know we have this connection You want to know me more But the social life can’t be moved or knocked out of the way I want to be important to you but I don’t know how You are on the roller coaster and I am in the line How can I get on?

Day:Mon May 9
Music:The Fundamentals
Other:Nothing really
Rock Concert
Heylo all. I haven't written in about a month. Anyway, this weekend was really fun. On friday night, I went to a two-day concert with my friend Taylor and his church. It was really cool. I didn't get to see Audioa, Kutless, or Hawk Nelson due to early leavege, but I did get to see a lot of other popular and unpopular bands. The list of the bands I saw:Sanctus Real, House of Heroes, Relient K, Fundamentals, Name in Danger, Better Days Ahead, Solafide, Berry, Philmore, and Falling Up. All in all, it was a really fun festival thing. Moshing, meeting people, rockin. It was nice. Then I had to return to work on Sunday. It was alright. The usual confusion from R.M.M.R and a lot of heat. My watch tan has gotten to a crucial state. Anyway, on Sunday Night, I went on the Dragon's Wing for the first time. It was so much fun but I was scared. I went with two games people:Brandon and Justin. T'was cool. Well thats all that has happened this weekend. On the off note, Louise Rennison ( my favorite author) is coming out with her new book this month. I'm very very excited!! Check it out. "Then he ate my boy entrancers" Hahahahahaha....

Day:Fri Apr 8
Other:I'm such a loser
This is sad...
So....what a boring week. All I've done was go to school, be a fatty, and do tons of school work. Especially today. My child development teacher never tells me when anything is due so all day during classes I did tons of worksheets for her class. Not saying I'm a bad student. She's just got a really bad grading system....Is there anything new? Geez like nothing new has happened this week. I did see this very funny incident though when this dude crashed this one dude into a car by sliding down a banister and hitting him. That was really funny cuz the dudes reaction was hilarious...sadly that was the only highlight of my week. Besides seeing my french teacher slowly going insane and getting an unexpected phone call....This is almost sad to type. I'm always home on fridays if you notice the blog dates. *sigh* Well on the brightside, I'm not a pathetic loser trying to call ppl like mad for attention. That perks me up a bit.

Mood:Tired and annoyed cuz my door won't stop moving from wind
Day:Fri Apr 1
Other:I'm so full..and Happy April Fools Day
The Grouch
In the shower, I get a call. Someone knocks on the door, I yell loudly and get tons of water on the floor just to talk to my brother wanting me to come out to work. Brilliant. So today instead of spending the day with Hope and Steve, I spend it mopping out bathrooms and cleaning up leaves. Not that I mind cuz I need the money and I like hanging out with my brother and Bill. Also since I got to go to my gma's funeral tommorrow I probably should get time for working. It was just kinda sad since I haven't done anything social this entire spring break. Geez..I didn't even remember it was april fools day til this evening. I'm such a loser. I should really work on my social skills. Today my bros pointed out that I piss my dad off a lot by showing bad body language/being snippy and I'm cocky at work. My conclusion is that I'm bossy. I'm a grouch..I should really work on that. Maybe I'm too used to stupid ppl or want to make myself stand out since I'm short that I just sort of push over ppl. I don't know. That's kinda depressing. I should try to be more "slick" or something from now on. AKA Idiot?

Day:Fri Mar 18
Music:Rufio-white lights (yahoo radio)
Other:I have a cold
A little under the weather...
Right now I am loosing my voice. I sound like a chimpmuck on steroids. I keep squeaking and my voice is fading in and out. It's odd. I've never really lost my voice before. Well anyway, this week was kinda cool with the 3 holidays in a row. By holidays, I'm meaning little holidays that don't get much importance. On March 14, it was PI day and that was fun since well ofcourse pie. Cherry to be exact. Then March 15th was the Ides of March ( I just say its a holiday since Caesar was killed and the soothsayer always said beware the Ides of March) and St.Patrick's Day was yesterday. voice is so funky. No one can take me seriously. They just laugh *sigh*...Well not much news. I've got training tommorrow. Woo Sam!!! and my problem looks worse so I dont' think I will ever be friends with S.L. Again. .. I hope I get better physically and mentally.

Mood:My head hurts
Day:Sat Feb 26 (a year later from the last entry)
Ho De Ho
Well...I haven't visited this page for a while. Geez its been more than a year since I actually edited it. Kinda of amazing. Well, since the period of a year, tons has happened. Got a job, made a few friends, got more mature and right now, I'm trying to get through a stupid crisis that my friend has made and a problem with my recent ex. So basically right now, I am sane on the outside and disappointed (insanity) on the inside. Not really happy nor terribly sad. Mainly like "whatever" in a pissy sort of way. So besides that, my head hurts. I think I'm catching something cuz my head it like throbbing with pressure. Perhaps my brain is growing with my i'll never know...Well since I have nothing to say, I'll do some fun lovable shout outs. Woo hoo!!! ok .....MY SWEETHEARTS MIKE, JORDAN, STEVE, JESSE, DREW, OTHER MIKE, SAM!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND MIKE, THANKS FOR BEING MY VALENTINE!! YOU ARE THE GREATEST! GO TEAM!! AND SHOUT OUTZ TO MY POSSE HOPE, STEVE, TAYLOR, OTHER OTHER MIKE, TOM!!!...AND OFCOURSE WHO COULD FORGET SHAUN H. AND DANYELL!!! OK WELL ALL YOU GUYS ARE COOL AND A SHOUTOUT TO R.M.M.R IF HE DOESN'T HATE ME AND I GUESS THAT ENDS MY SHOUTOUTZ...exciting

Day:Tue Feb 3
Yay I just got my schedule planned for my highschool years!! Great upcoming dates:
1.True Love Waits (Feb 7)
2.AudioA Concert (Feb 8)
3.Fiti Futuristic Concert in my
4. 30 hour famine (Feb 27-28?)
5.Upcoming Skate sessions

Day:Fri Dec 5
Other:Waiting for a call
Greetings from Shaun in College somewhere outside a Chicago!

"College is Fun!"
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(roberta writes)roberta is really cool
she knows everything

and is really brilliant. tee hee.
