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Look into my eyes and you’ll see that I love you

I can see in your eyes that you feel the same; that’s great,

I’m sorry that our past wasn’t so kind

But our future together, you see, is fate

You say, why do you love me

Each time I look into your eyes, I know why

Words cannot explain how I feel,

But I know that I love you so much I could cry


Because when I hug you,

I feel complete

Because when I kiss you,

Your lips taste so sweet

Because when I look into your eyes

I feel our souls touch

Because when I’m with you,

I love you so very much

I don’t know what I can expect

As my tears never dry

I’m just trying to keep myself

From drowning in your eyes


How can you expect me to look into your eyes,

Those two beautiful brown diamonds

Without crumbling into your arms

And begging you for seconds


You came back to prove something to yourself

I failed you, leaving your heart in shatters

Come back, not for me, but for ‘the us’ that should have been,

Because nothing else in this life truly matters




I will kiss you; hold you; love you until the end of time

I will not fail you like I have so much in the past

I cannot make up what I did to you, how I betrayed you

But I can give you what you always wanted, fast


Undying love from a man who craves you with all he is

All he wants is you by his side forever and ever

Two lost souls unified by love

Will he hurt you again; the answer is never

Chorus x2

I’m just trying to keep myself

From drowning in your eyes



The constellations of your eyes

Always will and always have

Looked deep into my heart

And unlocked my soul

Unlocked my true being

Unlocked who I am

What I am is for you

You, you were taken for granted

By me, who scarred your heart


I wish for another chance

Another chance to make you smile

Another chance to make you laugh

Another chance to make you cry

Another chance to show you my love

The love that never dies

The love that grows stronger

As the days go by

Even when I am not with you

You are in my heart


My healing hands would fix your heart

The scars would disappear

My touch would make the hurt go away

The bad memories would not seem as important

As the way I would treat you tonight

As the way I would treat everyday

Every moment would seem like a Dream

A dream you wouldn’t want to wake up from

So please let me wipe those tears

So I can look into the stars

That are your eyes again




God you must love to be rocked to sleep.

Rocking in someone's arms

Awaiting the internal comfort

That will put you to sleep.

Do you miss that loving motion?

The motion that you can only get

From someone who loves you.


I believe that you do,

You yearn for someone

To pick you up in his arms

And to Never let you go.

I never want to let you go,

You will always be in my arms

I love you, always have, and always will.



Holding you tight within my arms

With my eyes closed

I can feel your chest rise and fall with breath

With my eyes open

I can see myself in your eyes

I see happiness; love

I see my future

Are my eyes deceiving me?

One more look into your brown, crystal textured eyes

Shows me that my questioning is futile

No abandonment

No lust

No greed

No pain

I do not want to be hurt again

Nor do you

A little is too much

So much already exists

What was once fear and doubts

Is now, and will forever be, tests that love has passed

With flying colours

I am reassured


The Best In Me 

Your love lies deep inside my heart,
It puts things back together when people tear them apart,
It dries these tears and holds me tight,
Your love is something I would never fight,
Your the only one who is truly here for me,
Your the only people who who could ever make me see,
How beautiful silence is in the late of the night,
You just hold me for hours, you hold me so tight,
All I want to do is live in this moment of true bliss,
All I want to feels is the touch of your lips,
Because you truly love me because you truly see,
You the only one in this world who can bring out the best in me.




If It Wasn't For you


If it wasn't for you I would be lost.

Not knowing where I am, emotionally drained.

You pulled me from my downward spiral

And pulled me to my feet again.


If it wasn't for you my life would be meaningless.

I would have no one to laugh with or cry with

I would have continued to be a shell

A home for repressed feelings and emotions


If it wasn't for you I would not feel love

You gave me a special gift when no one else could.

You showed me how it is to be focused on something

Now my life has meaning and it is all because of me.