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The Taylor Page

Ok, this is a page of just fun silly stuff about Taylor, This is something that a friend of mine sent me and I find it truely hysterical and amazingly true. Credit to whoever wrote it first, I love it! heheh I hope you all enjoy it too.


The Groping: First it was on Oprah. The hand was glued to the inner thigh for the duration of the interview. I mean, I guess if you're Taylor, and you're groping yourself, you're groping Taylor Hanson, and I can see where the thrill would be in that. But it disturbs us none the less.

The Word Mouthing: Why, why does he insist on silently repeating what everyone says? Is it like, a delayed brain process kind of thing, where it takes a minute for the thought to register, and just to make sure he's getting it all straight, he needs to repeat it? Or is he merely agreeing with what everyone else is saying? Or is he just nuts?

The Gesticulation: His hands. He talks with them. Waves them around. To my knowledge, he's not Italian, or deaf, so why does he do this? Is it a nervous thing? Does he feel unsafe in an interview kind of environment? Hmm.

The Shirt Grabbing: On TRL, the boy could not stop pulling at his bananna yellow Ramones t-shirt. Pulling, I say. Again, is it a nervous thing? Does the prospect of being on Mtv intimdate you? Was the shirt too tight? Gee, I can't imagine that would ever be the case. Are you afraid someone will ask you if you like the Ramones, and you won't know what to say?

The Leg Crossing: Again, Tay has been seen doing this on many a TV talk show. We don't even want to ask why this happens, but all we know is that it looks awkward as heck Tay, and you should cut it out.

The Spitting: Ok, so this used to happen a lot more like, a year ago when he still had the retainer. But it still happens from time to time.

The Facial Expressions: Even when he's not talking, he looks like he wants to be. Seriously. Watch him sometime while Ike is talking to an interviewer. Tay always looks like he's thinking: "I could say that better than you Ike."

The Blundering: Ok, so the boy tries to rescue his brothers from every misplaced, badly worded or inapropriately blunt comment that comes out of their mouths. Bless his little heart, but he usually doesn't succeed, and eventually just digs a bigger hole than either Ike or Zac is capable of. (Remember the "Woah/Ha" incident on Oprah?)

The Banging: We have decided that Tay does not posess the ability to distinguish between bongos and keyboards.

The Bubble: Ever notice that the boy never ever makes eye contact when he speaks? Not with anyone. Or anything. He lives in Happy Taylor Land, where he is the only inhabitant. Sounds lonely. Can I move there?

The Mendhi: I know. I know. We've mentioned it a hundred times, but we can not even get past it. Tay! You should not be wearing mendhi. You should not have any desire to wear mendhi. That and the wallet chain. What are you thinking my child?

The Inner Rage: Have you ever seen a Taylor Death Look? It happens every so often, usually when Ike or Zac is being particularly stupid. He just looks like he wants to give them the smack down.

The Need to Be Nude: You know Tay, it's sort of like Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut. We love you. We really do. Just keep your clothes on, OK?

Back to the Bubble: Yes, it seems as though Mr. Taylor does enjoy living in his own private, isolated bubble. But, it also seems as though he would have no trouble barging into yours. How about on Tulsa, Tokyo and the Middle of Nowhere? Which Hanson is continually shoving their face 1.6 inches from the camera lens? Taylor. I bet he's a close talker.

The Roving Eyes: Do you get this impression that he might be a Boob Looker?

