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Junshin's Hentai Fanworks Page: Junshin's Warning Page

This is my warning page. Take heed.
Flamers/prosecuters/etc. are forbidden!! If you attempt one of those things, I'll find some way to track you down... *blinks*

Anywhoo, this is a HENTAI BASED SITE!!! Hentai is the Japanese word for perversion. Don't know what that is? Get away. I'm not explaining it to you. That's NOT MY JOB!!! Go ask your parents, or get a dictionary.
If you know what this is, but don't like it, get as far away from me as you can. As far away as, say, Pluto? I don't take kindly to ppl who will come into a hentai/yaoi/yuri site and flame, diss, piss, or just put down the artists or writers that contribute. Bite me.

I support any anime(Minus DBZ & co). There are VERY FEW pairings I will not tolerate. I think everything, as of, is Yu-Gi-Oh!, but that SHOULD change!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these animes/mangas that are mentioned on this site. Nor do any of my writers/artists. So, up yours. You have no right to sue, as no suing is due. Anyone within saying they own an anime/manga is either being silly, delirious, or just plain odd. If we OWNED an anime, why would we be here, making fools of ourselves? Good question, neh?

Wow, I'm surprised you came down this low. You mean, you actually wanna come in, or do you just like reading my nonsense? Well, it doesn't matter. The link to the site is below. Now, my question is, do you dare? Link to AniPike is below the link to the site. Enjoy your trip! (And remember to keep you hands and feet inside the computer area until you've come to a complete stop, unless you need to use the bathroom, or have gotten hungry, or have absolutely NO CHOICE!!!)
...O.o... whatever ...o.O...


I am an official member of Gozaburo Bashers Inc. Wanna join? The link's in the affilates!!!