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Cawston's poems

Main Poetry Jamie's Stuart's


Standing at the foot of the Cross

Light falls on the tree
Brings a smile on me
Cut out my heart with a spoon
Eat away at my face
Kill me now,
I am dead in my heart
Blow away my mind
I am hanging on my cross
Waiting to die
I am Happy!!!!!!


As the Father watches from above
Eyes stab me,
Lift me up and cast me out
Two faced little bastards.

All good has left,
I cry without tears deep down inside.
The crack gets bigger
I die without a God

There is a boy over there,
Sitting in the tree,
He as no head,
How lucky,
Can you smell the trees farting wind,
cut out our eyes so we can see,
i am going to get pissed,
ha, ha, ha
Its christmas time lots of fun,
I may get some thing happy,
But the boy in the tree has my stuff,
the cunt face smell,
The cows are good this time of year,
but the pain still goes on,
lets eat our feet.

Given life lets die,
you know it makes sense upon the cross,
god died a long time a go,
he was my gimp,
we had some fun,
but that is no more,
if only i was a christain,
but that i can't,
i just wan't to bleed the shit out of the road,
but thoughs kids just shit on and on.

Someone is like America,
They think they are god,
They had lots allies at the start,
But they will slowly fall down,
People now hate the scum,
Madness comes and it is great.
We will stand above,
see the tiny little people.
Two people gone and i will be happy.
Sheep will always follow.
No one likes a smell,
If i could cry tears of blood,
you could hear my screams.
Then i could sleep sound and well.
If only America was dead.

Cds scratch like my eyes when i see,
They skip like a child in the morning sun.
Lets feed them to our children.
Serve them with morning toast.
Our children will grow,
We will be old,
what have we done,
wasting lives to our false gods.
I will follow no one.
For this i am glad.
For i will never be like old man punjab.
Just place me on my cross and let me die.
My last gift to this earth shall be my shit,
Once my life has gone,
I am no more.
Remember my shit when i am gone,
It will smell of roses.

Theres a sheep on the road,
but life goes on,
Where to die,
give me the pills,
i have the knife,
its game set and match,
i will see you tomorrow,
the sheep has gone.
Twisted how we think.
But iam alive,
there is no point.
The phone rings,
its for me.

One pill in your mouth is better than god,
Swallow it down nice and whole.
There is no turing back now.
As you sit waiting for the love to come,
you know it will be good.
Slowly your jaw starts to stick out,
your eyes role back inside your head.
You can feel the buzz working away.
This is the best time in your life.
Everyone in the room is your best friend,
give them all hugs.
Everone dancing away.
There is no hate, no pain, no suffering,
All there is, is friendship and love in the air.
Is this what heaven is like?

If i sit on the sand do i feel happy,
Holidays are good aren't they?
Sand, sun, waves not for me.
Will the post man stop sending mail?
Life is so predictable!
Someone just stab me in the eye.
Cut off my smile,
I might as well die now then wait.
But at the end of the day i can get stoned.
Boredom is so great.
If i sleep i might not wake.
that should be good.
But the dogs will always live on.

We hide from what we are.
Look into the sky
heaven should be just there,
past the third star on the right.
We came from the dirt
and that is where we are off.
I dream this could not be ture,
but it is,
i will be no more and so will you,
seeing people in there sun,
I wish i was them.
I ve got my ticket for the suicide machine,
All i have to do is stand in line and wait.
My turn should be soon.
But until then i will have one big party,
i will get pissed and stoned.
Do as much drugs as i can.
Life is not worth the effort .

Babies cry and Babies burn,
Happy joy joy happy joy.
The pain will always go on,
can you see me i am blood red.
Iam become insane with the pain.
I have never felt like this!
The drug in my veins gets thicker,
slowly working to my heart.
Then i will die with a happy smile.
Think of me when i'am gone!