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Debs' Random Webpage

I'd like to thank the following people for their friendship, help and creative input (whether they realise it or not) Nic, Sarah, Emma + Roz (the rest of RED really), Hayley, Jon, Gilly, Jesse, Barney, Richard, Darren, Michael, Shoqura, Kelly and all the girls on the NQ! Indirect creative input from all the people who i laugh at and probably shouldn't, well you do ask for it! Thanks for being good sports and putting up with it, i'd probably go on a rampage and kill someone if they said stuff like that about me... :) Also would like to thank all the people who don't realise things they say, and give me fuel for my comedy... because they are rather funny sometimes! Read the webpage, enjoy the links, mail me with queries, ideas or just chat :) I hope you all apprechiate (hehe) this page because i spent ages learning HTML (front page express is CRAP!) so that i could deliver the madness! Love and hugs to everyone, especially you there, yeah, you! you with the nose! :D ***Debz***

Welcome to my webpage! I guess this is more for my benefit than yours, I just wanted somewhere to put my random thoughts. Theres a brief introduction to who I am, follow the link below if you get bored. Sorry that I'm not too good with HTML, most of this has been pieced together from online guides! There will eventually be a lot of pretty links below to different things, but for now all you see is all there is here. This site is under construction :)

About Me
Dream Diary

contact me at