Bow to me, underdogs!

I seek the Holy Grail!

In my site...

About me, the genius/psychopath
These people are COOL
It's slappin' time!
monty python stuff
For the bored

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Muahaha! Prepare to be hyperfied!
Don't like the chilies? screw you.
The only thing wrong with you is everything.
Practical pet care, baby!
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What we've all dreaded...

Muahahahahaha! I am the great laser beaver! *heroic music in background* I own the great lands of hyperville, cakeland, and beaverland! I live in cakeland, 3rd tree from the left. I have been called "freak, dork, geek, nerd, and swan," but I am not any of those. I am a beaver. A laser beaver. A GREAT laser beaver. EMILORK the great laser beaver.

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