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Bymerk's Weyr

I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to Alek, Bymerk, or Draya impressing at Talis Weyr. The runner of Talis postponed the hatching for eleven months, and after telling us that it would occur in a day or less put it off for another 2 weeks. In my opinion this is inexcusable. I am currently remodeling Island Weyr so that it fits the standered of a LEGAL Weyr. Talis Weyr, and many others out there are in fact illegal. If they had checked Anne McCaffrey's hope page they would have discovered that it is illegal to post any fan fiction (where you tell a story from the point of veiw of anyone on Pern) online, only in emails, unless you started your web page in like 97 when this copywrite law was not in effect. So please check back in a month or so I sould have my web site up and running by then.


Anne McCaffery's web page

My Favorite things about Angelfire.