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There are a few rules that you mist agree to before asking to become a part of Island Weyr. There Rules were set my Anne McCaffrey herself so they are undisputable. *You must avoid using Benden Weyr or Ruatha Hold. *You cannot role play any major Pern characters. *Your dragon's colors cannot be different than those specified in The Dragonrider's of PernŽ series. *You should observe the major tenets of Pern, i.e., be consistent with what you know so well from all the novels you've read. *All role playing must be offline, that is, it cannot appear in print on the website ever as it is tantamount to online fan fiction, which is not allowed. Island Weyr will probibly not do an emense amount of role play offline (and NONE online), we will share results and pictures of drgons impressed at hatchings, and occasinal stories through e-mail. If you still want to be a part of Island Weyr after reading these rules please e-mail the Weyrleaders ( at bottom of page) the following information: Your Name; Your Age; Your e-mail; Your character's (if you chose to have one) name, age, gender, pets (pernease only, example firelizards), and dragon color and name. Please inculde in your e-mail the following statement "Do not anger a dragon, for you are small, crunchy, and taste good with ketchup."


Anne McCaffery's web page

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
