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So many problems
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
what's this word.. happiness??
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: life
okay well it's me again, it's been awhile sence I've written to my self, mainly cuz I forgot my pass word and stuff so ya, here's wats happend to me sence last time I've written.
well I'm still very confused about the same person (no names), actualy now that I thinka bout still about the same things just bigger!But things are different, another person is in the picture and well I've been told so many things on what to do, Ijust dotn know anymore, and friend toldme to go out with one person to make the other jelous, someone please tell me if that would work? I honestly dont think so but some one please help me!!
Lately I've been totally intop the whole religous stuff, like more then befor but I have a problem of saying the wrong things in cum well I started up church, I could say nothing but then my friend thinks something's wrong, so I talk.. I even think befor I speak I still say something wrong.
Lately I had a small problem, something I stoped for good had now come back, I started cuting up again and well I dont know how bad it's gonna get, I'm trying to stop again but things just seem different. see when I do it it gets alot of things off my mind and then I feel fine!, but I also know there's other ways to do that with out cuting but I dont think about that till the blood stops which is normaly 30mins to and hour after... so I ask.. help?

Posted by weird2/doyouknowme00 at 11:27 PM
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Sunday, 5 June 2005
So very tierd of this
Mood:  on fire
I'm tierd of all this crap. For every negative action ther eis a positive, when the hell am I gona get my positve. I dont want to sound selfish or anything, common seriously I'm just waiting and waiting and nothing is happening I just want to give up but I can't. I want to ignore and forget some things, but I can't. I normaly don't cry but the past couple of weeks I dont think I've ever cried this much and it's cuz of one stupid lil problem.. Love! the one thing that causes people so much happiness and cause others so much pain. I'm not naming any names cuz people might pissed off at me so ya no names. But I hate it when people fuck with my head, when they say these actions are wrong but continue them. I dont care if they're wrong, they feel so right and I know this person can agree with me but they wont, cuz everything that has gone on, is wrong I say if it feels right, then there's no way it can be wrong!

Posted by weird2/doyouknowme00 at 6:31 PM
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So very tierd of this
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Everything
I'm tierd of all this crap. For every negative action ther eis a positive, when the hell am I gona get my positve. I dont want to sound selfish or anything, common seriously I'm just waiting and waiting and nothing is happening I just want to give up but I can't. I want to ignore and forget some things, but I can't. I normaly don't cry but the past couple of weeks I dont think I've ever cried this much and it's cuz of one stupid lil problem.. Love! the one thing that causes people so much happiness and cause others so much pain. I'm not naming any names cuz people might pissed off at me so ya no names. But I hate it when people fuck with my head, when they say these actions are wrong but continue them. I dotn care if they're wrong, they feel so right and I know this person can agree with me but they wont, cuz everything that has gone on, is wrong I say if it feels right, then there's no way it can be wrong!

Posted by weird2/doyouknowme00 at 6:31 PM
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