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Welcome to my homepage,I'm Ryan, age 17. I go to Tunstall High School, as if you didn't know, and if you didn't, now you do. This page will detail the events in my meaningless life,as well as news around the school includeing ruemors. If you are ready for the details about my life details, click below.


Bryan Largens Party..... we got drunk as fuck..... not much more to say!

Check this out i thinks its funny!! im drUnk! bash page

the man the myth the legend

Summer Camp

Here they are, my pics from summer camp.... i cant say much cuz its fucking gay that the other 3 companys have like four million pics , my company has about 30, Alpha company was the most under-rated company, and we have nothing to show.We didnt get to fly and we didnt win shit, we were always cleaning shit up tearing tents down (while on free time) repairing and cleaning up what the other fucking companys left behind.Pretty GAY huh?

Gay-ass summercamp pix

Personal News

Ryan Dockery is a dangerous white male ...well not too dangerous, he is 6'4" tall, Bleach blonde hair, and freckeld, he is attempting to put a band together (AS ALWAYS!) He has a beautiful girlfriend ,1 sister who hates her, 2 nieces, and 1 nephew.

see the pics

Okay homies heres the deal get on sendin me pix quites and art work man and ill post it... and start spreading the news about this page...!! it is imparative Rock on my friends.


Have any opinions at all? E-mail them to me! E-Mail Me and ill put them on a special page, or post in the forum!

2 Turn Tables- and a Microphone
the conspiracy begins here

the conspiracy begins here

the conspiracy begins here

the conspiracy begins here

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