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The Diddle Fish

Hello and welcome to the Diddle Fish, a completely pointless site that showcases the absurdities of life through half-witty observations, movie reviews of every film you never wanted to know about, ridiculous drinking games, and (if I feel like writing on them) personal encounters of my own, and people around me. Sounds exciting, right? Eh, shut up. You're the one dumb enough to page through angelfire looking for gems. What did you think you'd find? A flash intensive super-site full of original mind-expanding ideas? Way to try and raise the bar. Ass.

Anyway, check out the articles and galleries below and have fun with it. Oh yea, and sign my freakin' guestbook.

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Site material written by Justin J. Way, 
with additonal programming done by 
Adam Strantz (although as of yet, 
he has programmed nothing and stopped 
returning my calls).

get this gear!

Things you can expect to find at Diddle Fish

Articles and other stuff I did

The Pancake Article
Different Browsers
Shawn's Argument for Guns
