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pictures of my dorkybutt

Jason & Della in New York.

I love this picture of my backyard in Covington - sometimes I can see unicorns prancing down the creek calling out to one another in joy - speaking love. This is the place where I was spawned.

YAY! I survived high school.

I love my purpley hat. It looks black in this pic but it's actually a lovely purple color. I was in Mickey Mouse's house in Disney Land. I know. Who could possibly be sad in Disney Land in gorgeous orange county CA? My unrequited heart could be.

Me in my infamous pink jogger with a Calli cat (samantha's preppy cat) trying to escape being incriminated on film for her catly connivings. I wear that damn pink jogger everywhere... I've had it for about 5 or 6 years. I shall wear it till it disintegrates. ~ It is in the process of that now. I'm pretty chunky in this picture. It's like I need to lay off the Funyuns and chocolate or something.

me with my friend Jon... he always tries to look weird in pictures. luckily, I don't have to try. Eww, what's that next to us. . . a black pit? My neighborhood is so ghetto fabulous.

A Sophomoric Della in Scott High... glowing from being in love for the first time. Still a virgin, still altruistic - less age and less cynisism. Yet I wouldn't trade my current world-weary ways for that young perspective to have to lose it all over again - the disappointment that life is not a beautiful fairy tale and my prince charming eternal is not going to be my first kiss. That's my plaid 'going to my brown-eyed Iranian dentist' shirt. It caught on fire when I draped it acrosss a lamp later. The hair cut and the dentist appointments all courtesy of a certain unrequited first love. My hair was a natural almost raven-black back then and long, it's so black it fades into the background of this photo. my eyes were dark and my skin alabaster just like Sardonica... the mountain elf I play in Dragonrealms and my alter ego. This is my favorite picture because I look so in love in it. My eyes are so sad and too wise for the face they're set in. My eyes are always sad because of the things I've seen. I've seen too much to be my age.

Della, age 5. With my Baby Kicky Doll I got for Christmas. Wike my wittle swippers?

*slobbers* Baby me. Bald as a bowling ball.

Senior Picture June of 2001 Someone please teach me to apply lipstick properly, I always screw it up. My lips are so thin it's like painting the alphabet on a single grain of rice or something. heh.

Mypinkjogger! I love it!!! ^_^ And my PIZZA FISH blankie in the background.

prom dress


holdin' my baby neice. Isn't she so tute?

This is a weird picture that didn't quite take. It was an outdoor camera bein' used indoors so no big surprise or anything but I got all prettied up to take this picture so I'm using it damn it! :-P My bestest friend Samantha did my hair and make up and those are her weird bathroom lights in the background. I was wearing my pretty red dress with the slinky black rose glittery pattern on it that I luff.

first piture i ever took with my digital camera I got as a graduation present. thats why there is a peculiar blue tint to my skin. it's not because I'm an undercover smurf or anything.

my dorky Queen Mab halloween costume :-P Ahhhhhh, someone call the lip gloss police! I ate most of it. It was peach flavored. Yum.

Gigglie girlybugs.

So tute!

Awww. Me: 4 Penelope: 4 months

Like carrots n' peas... me an my wittle neiceypie Penelope were when we was babies.
