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Vegeta's Heart

By Super Girl, maybe Vegeta isn't as cold blooded after all..

***** Little note from Super G*** Dedicated to Rachel, Who is 12 and should not read LEMONS!!!!

***from Vegeta's point kinda... not really but***

**sorry no Lemon it's PG-13ish***

Vegeta walked in the kitchen after along day of training. Soon 2 years till the Androids came. He still hasn't reached super sayian. He looked up to see the woman siting at the counter with a red drink. Curious, he walked up to her. He could smell fruit and some poisonous smell.what is she drinking he thought. He then seen Bulma look up from her glass to see him standing above her.

"Oh it's you Vegeta." She said with a sad tone in her voice. Vegeta lowered his brow.

"Why are you mopping around woman? Did that loser finally figure out he is unworthy to live?" He asked chuckling. 'Hmm maybe the woman will through a fit or yell.' He smirked thinking that. Bulma looked up at him then at her drink and took a huge gulp.

"You can never be nice too me even if I am sad can you?" Bulma stood up and looked into Vegeta's eyes. "The reason why you aren't a Super sayian is because you have no heart, no soul, no cares about anyone else. I hope YOu never, EVER be a Super Saiyan!" she yelled with tears running down her face. Vegeta glared at her. 'How dare she even think such a thing I am the Prince of all sayians' He humphed and crossed his arms. Bulma took another swing of her drink. "are you going to move Vegeta? Or are you to stupid too move."

"HOW DARE YOU WENCH EVEN SAY SUCH A THING!" Vegeta stood in a stance waiting for her to toss another insult, but she didn't she just looked at him then turned around and poured more Dacerie into her glass.

"Fine, whatever Vegeta." She said sipping her freshly made dacerie. 'Why does she do this to her self after her and that weakling lampchop or whatever his name is break up. Damn HUmans and there mating rituals. I am surprised Kakarot even had a son. But the woman if she wasn't mated could.. "VEGETA DID YOU HEAR ME!!!' screamed Bulma to get Vegeta's attention.

"WHAT WOMAN ARE YOU YELLING ABOUT!" he screamed at bit embarrassed that he was in another place in mind while being yelled at.

"I asked if you like a dacerie!" she yelled back, but not as loud.

Vegeta smelt it, smelled like that stuff that got her in a weird mood near that mate of hers gave her to get her gitty. "No, that is a poison! Your trying to kill me off." he said doubting each word he said just to get her fired up.

"Poison you? How, Vegeta? Are you afraid to take a sip, that I'd seduce you?" She broke out into laughter. "Me seduce you, Vegeta..heeee." Vegeta crossed his arms a bit upset but didn't show it 'Damn woman if she wasn't mated I swear I'd....' "Vegeta... how did..." Bulma paused and thought a second how to ask a question without sounding weird. "How did your parent meet?" She asked a bit drunk.

Vegeta sat down in a stool. "My mother was supposably the most beautiful sayian. My father was king and wanted the perfect mate."

Bulma looked at Vegeta oddly. "Mate?" she asked questioningly.

"Mate.... you know partners for life." he said in deep thought. 'i will never be able to rebuild my empire now.. with no mate...' "Oh you mean like Husband and WIFE!" said Bulma snorting as she laughed.

Vegeta lowered his brows. "What the hell is a Wife?" Bulma stopped laughing for a bit.

"Like my Mom and Dad. My dad is my Mom's husband and my Mom is my Dad's Wife." said Bulma sipping her drink again. 'I don;t understand these earth costumes, maybe i should ask the woman how a man becomes a husband...'

"Woman, how does a earthling become a Husband?" he asked. Bulma gulped down her drink hard trying not to shocked.

"Why? Did they have some odd way on your planet?" she asked. Vegeta lowered his eyes.

"We have secret rituals." he said too afraid too see her reaction. Instead he heard her hum.

"That is nice.. hmm these days people just go around with anyone who FUC* them and you know." Vegeta raised a brow.

"FUC* them? what do you mean?" Bulma gulped.

"Oh umm FUC* came from British government way back during a plague. Fortifications Under Concent of the KING, that way they weren't over populating the cities."



Vegeta leaned back in his chair and thought for a second. 'She could never stop me if I did bite her she have no control over the bond... then again she isn't a sayian and if she rejected me..' He thoughts were cut off by Bulma. He looks over and saw she fallen asleep at the table drink in hand. Vegeta looked down a bit confused. Everything she did confused him. Little gestures showing she cared He didn't know if she was being nice so he didn't kill her or if she cared.

He picked up the unconscious Bulma and walked over to a stair case leading up stairs. After placing her in her bed stopped. HE looked over at her face. A little tear running down her check. He whipped it off of her face unconsciously and felt her skin under his warm hand. She was ice cold. Vegeta's eye brows lowered. She was shivering cold. He wrapped her body in covers yet she continued to shiver. 'Woman.. what have you done to me' he thought. Looking back as he left felt a tear running down his own check. 'I guess for all the deeds I did I will never have what I want... To be a Super Saiyan or have a mate.'

Vegeta slumped into bed half dead form the work-out he endured and half alive to continue on tomorrow to get closer to his goal. A few hours passed by and he felt a ki coming to his door. Ignoring it, thinking it was the Woman's mom laying out his cloths for tomorrow. Then he heard the door closed and footsteps nearing his bed. The Ki wasn't strong so he ignored it thinking it was the Womans' mom tiding up a bit before leaving like she did. Then a thought traveled through Vegeta's mind. 'wait a second the woman's parental unit left with her mate yesterday....'

Vegeta shifted and turned to face whoever entered his room. He saw Bulma starting to get into his bed. "I can't sleep." she muttered getting in his bed, like a child that had a nightmare crawling into their parent's bed. Vegeta didn't move he didn't know what to do, so he just laid there and didn't move as she got in next to him. "Sorry, Vegeta but I had a nightmare and my parents aren't home and it's storming out side and I heard noises and.. and.." Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest.

"You won't shut up till I let will you?" Bulma shook her head in the darkness. "Fine woman just don't touch me!"

A few hours past by and Vegeta found himself curled up around Bulma with her head resting on his shoulder. Vegeta sighed. He herd a clap of huge amount of static electricity fly by. (lighting for those who don't know about static electricity it is a huge amount of static electricity )

As the rain went on Vegeta smiled a bit she was warm and safe in his arms. Maybe this is how his parents were. His father was in-love with his mother who was the most beautiful saiyan on the planet, did she love him back? There was that tiny four letter word an earth man die at. He didn't know what love was or cared. He looked over at Bulma in her 'house clothes', smiled and kissed her forehead. "Only if you were mine." He said not to himself, but to her. And the rain continued on that night along with lighting as the two slept. But the next morning....



"Shut up, woman!"

"MAKE ME!!!!!"


"YEAH WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!" Vegeta turned around and walked to the kitchen. 'at least things are back to normal.......' Or were they?

Vegeta look back at the woman. She stuck her tongue at him. "Yup, back to normal..."

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