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by TrunksForever_gurl

Chapter One
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any of the DBZ characters. Now there are some mild lemon scenes, but nothing too citric. It’s a rated R because of all the cussing involved in this story.

Bulma was sitting down on a couch, waiting for Yamcha. She had on a slim purple dress and her hair was up. She turned on the TV, and started flipping through the channels, angry because Yamcha was late for their date. Again. Why is he always late? Bulma thought to herself. She crossed her arms and started to watch “Chikyuu’s Most Wanted”. Suddenly, she heard a noise coming from the doorway. She turned around, hoping it was Yamcha ( who she had given a key). It wasn’t. It was Vegeta.

“ Woman! Have you fixed up my dinner?” Vegeta growled at Bulma. She glared at him. He stood in front of her, scowling, with his arms crossed over his chest.

“ Yes, Vegeta. It’s on the table. There’s more in the pan in you want seconds.” Bulma said coldly. Her hands were balled up into fists, angry that he had spoken to her like that. It annoyed the shit off of her when he acted like that.

Vegeta stared at her for a moment and then turned and walked away without saying a word. Bulma crossed her arms, sat down on the couch, and stared at the TV, though not really watching the show. Finally, she heard the doorbell ring.

Bulma jumped up and answered the doorbell. Yamcha was at the door with a bouquet of red roses. “ It’s about time you showed up.” Bulma said to him. Yamcha smiled one of his cute smiled and held her hand.

“ Sorry if I was late, I got caught up in traffic.” He said as they got into his car. Bulma sighed and forgot about being angry at him for being so late. They chatted about everyday normal things as Yamcha was driving them both to the French restaurant they were going to.

During the dinner, Yamcha had a faint scent of women’s perfume on him and was a bit distant to her. I wonder what up? She thought to herself.

When she asked him what was wrong, he looked at her steadily and asked, “ Are you with Vegeta?” It was as if her insides had suddenly went cold. Bulma’s eyes went wide. At first she didn’t say anything but she stared at him. She then reached across the table and slapped him, leaving a red mark on his face.

“ How dare you say that?” Bulma said coldly to him.

“ Well he is living in your house. And… why you haven’t been answering my phone messages?” Yamcha said, rubbing his aching face.

“ For your information, jackass. Vegeta’s been deleting those so called ‘phone messages’ and then telling me that you called.” Bulma said. And why should I even be calling you? You never call me back when I leave you messages. Bulma thought angrily to herself.

Nothing more was said about the subject. Yamcha took her home in silence. Bulma was looking around the car, bored with nothing to do, when she noticed something. It was a bit of white lace sticking out from beneath Yamcha’s seat. Bulma reached down and pulled it out and screamed.

“ Yamcha! What the fuck is this!” Bulma shrieked. Yamcha glanced at it quickly, then back to the road, but then he stared at it in horror.

“ What is her - I mean, how did that get there? Honest Bulma, I don’t know who’s that is.” Yamcha said. Bulma turned red and split the bra in two. ( I know REAL hilarious)

“ So you are seeing other women. You pimp! I can’t believe I’m actually with you!” Bulma yelled. Yamcha pulled into the Capsule Corporation and got out of the car, yelling. Bulma jumped out of the car, yelling at the top of her lungs. If a passer-by heard them, they wouldn’t understand what those two were saying because they were yelling so much.

“ I hate you Yamcha! Get off my property” Bulma screamed. Yamcha stared at her.

“ Fine!” Yamcha shouted. He got into his car and drove off, the tires squealing as he did so. Bulma stood there for a moment, surprised at what she had actually done, and then ran inside the Capsule Corporation to cry her eyes out.

Bulma ran through the front door and up the stairs. All the lights were out. Bulma thought that it was probably because Vegeta was asleep and ran down the hall towards her room, tears streaming down her face. She bumped into something hard. She could barely see it because it was so dark. She could only make the dark outlines of everything and the thin light that streamed through the windows from the moon. At first, she thought it was a statue that just happened to be in the middle of the hallway when she smelled a familiar smell coming from it. She felt what was in front of her. Rock hard muscles. Vegeta.

Bulma quickly stepped back from the figure. She could now see the figure of Vegeta in the dark, now that her eyes had adjusted to the darkness that surrounded them both. “ V-V-Vegeta.” Bulma stuttered.

“ Excuse me. I was just heading downstairs to the kitchen.” Vegeta said coldly to her. He didn’t move at all. Bulma’s faced reddened, happy that the darkness was hiding her facial expression. “ Now if you will just get out of my way..” He said. Bulma nodded and stepped out of the way. She had been blocking the hallway. Vegeta brushed passed her. She ran into her room and slammed the door shut, falling onto her bed.

Vegeta continued his way downstairs. That man should be destroyed for what he does to that woman. That is no way to treat women in any world. If she ever heard the other voices on those silly so called “phone messages” he gave her, I would even be frightened of what she would do. Vegeta thought to himself. He poured himself a tall glass of water and sat down at the empty table.

On Vegetasei, he remembered when slaves brought food and drink to him whenever he felt like it. They were all frightened of him, and of his power. They did everything he wanted them to. They cringed at the sound of his name. Well, actually everyone cringed at the sound of his name.

He remembered his father teaching him to fight… Vegeta closed his eyes, trying to erase those memories. His father had been hard on him. Always yelling at him, threatening him, attacking him into doing his attacks properly with energy beams through him, causing him to go to the medical center more than any Saiyan on Vegetasei. Vegeta shook his head. That was the past. They were all gone. Destroyed. Never to be seen or heard of again. This was the present and all he cared about right now was to reach the power of Super Saiyan and destroy Kakarot.

Vegeta got up and walked silently back upstairs. As he passed Bulma’s room, he could hear her crying. Crying about that fool. Vegeta thought angrily to himself. Vegeta had the urge to go in and comfort her. But he shook that from his head. He was the Prince of the Saiyans! He was not some weakling who comforts girls that cry. Not even Saiyan woman ever cried. That just proved how weak people from Chikyuu are. Vegeta walked into his room and went to bed.

The next morning, Vegeta got up and dressed into his training clothes. He went downstairs just as Bulma set down a large plate of eggs and toast. “ Good morning, Vegeta.” Bulma said cheerfully. Vegeta ignored her. Bulma sighed and sat down opposite of him and ate her breakfast which consisted of an apple. Vegeta looked disapprovingly at her breakfast.

“ Is that all your going to eat?” Vegeta asked her.

“ Does it matter?” She asked him. Vegeta smirked and devoured his breakfast as fast as he could. Bulma noticed how much better he ate than Goku. Goku would just stuff the food in his mouth, not caring about where it went. Most of the food that was meant to go to his mouth ended on his face and clothes. But Vegeta had manners. Very good matters in fact. He ate a lot and fast, but he would leave a spotless plate and no food ever got to his face or clothes. When he was done eating, he put his plate in the dishwasher and walked out of the door to the Gravity Chamber.

Bulma sighed and flopped onto the couch. Since Vegeta wasn’t going to be around, she might as well have a nice long nap. Dr. Briefs and Mrs. Briefs weren’t going to be back from their vacation for another three months and Bulma planned to make the most of their absence around the house by lounging around and doing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted to.


She must have fallen asleep because she woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. Bulma yawned and was about to get up when she heard the door open someone talking to someone else. Bulma got up and crept to the room next to the front door.

“ Is Bulma here?” Yamcha asked in his famous saucy voice.

“ She’s not here right now.” Vegeta growled.

“ Oh really? Then do you know where she is?” Yamcha asked.

“ No, I don’t really care. Now get out of here!” Vegeta growled.

“ Okay, well when she comes back, tell her that Yamcha wants her to call him.” Yamcha said to Vegeta. Vegeta smirked.

“ I’ll tell her to call you, but I doubt she’ll call. The way she came home last night, I’d be surprised if she’ll ever talk to you again.” Vegeta sneered. He then slammed the door in Yamcha’s face. Vegeta stood there for a moment then began to speak. “ You can come out now, woman. There is no need to hide.” Vegeta said, almost in an amused sort of way.

“ How did you know that I was in there?” Bulma asked him.

“ You have a ki and I have felt it ever since you left the couch.” Vegeta said. Bulma laughed and looked at the time. 5:30 P.M. Bulma walked into the kitchen and took out three boxes of Macaroni and Cheese and poured them into a pot to cook. As she stirred the macaroni in the pot, she turned around to get the milk when she bumped into someone.

“ What do you need, Vegeta?” Bulma said, almost knocking into the pot of macaroni, but Vegeta caught her with one hand behind her back. Bulma froze up. What was he going to do? She asked herself. Suddenly, the hand behind her back started pushing her towards Vegeta. A small smirk was on his face as he stared intently into her eyes. He pushed her in front of him. They were chest to chest. She could feel his heart beating rapidly. ( and not to mention hers too.)

“ When will my dinner be done?” He asked her. She backed away from him.

“ Oh come on, Vegeta. Go away and do something like watch TV while I cook your dinner.” Bulma said, sliding away from him to get the milk. Vegeta’s eyes followed her as she got the milk and then he smirked and walked into the den where the TV was located.

Bulma laid down the giant plate of macaroni and cheese in front of Vegeta. Vegeta took his fork and started to eat the food, fast. “ Honestly, I don’t know how you Saiyans can eat so much food.” Bulma said. Vegeta said nothing. Bulma sighed and ate some macaroni and cheese in a small bowl. When Vegeta was done, he pushed his spotless plate away and went upstairs.

Bulma cleaned the dishes and dried them. She then went upstairs to her room and flopped onto her bed, ready to go to sleep. She could hear Vegeta getting into bed in the next room. She sighed. She was free of Yamcha, but what was up with Vegeta?

I know it’s kinda short, but what do expect? There isn’t a lot happening in that section. Maybe the next section will be better. Who knows? Oh yeah. Vegeta shows a little emotion. Not too much, just a little. It’ll be finished soon.

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Chapter 2