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Bulma's Heart, A conclusion to Vegeta's Heart

By Super GIRL!!!!! Muwhaha
Song "Head to my heart, by Evan and Jaron"

:::I wrote this damn thing Three Fricken times!! I am dedicating this to Princess P. Cause umm I guess we both are stricken with the 'Oh SHI* i deleted another file syndrome." This is making me mad I have wrote this same story THREE TIMES!!!!:::: Enjoy ^_^;

Bulma sighed, stirring the pot over the stove. She couldn't beleive after the break up with Yamcha, she fell for Vegeta. She even asked to sleep in his room a few day before during the storm! She really wasn't scared, just lonely. "I can't belive I love that jerk!" She said.

~:Once again I just can't get it straight Wondering if wandering is my fate:~

Her thought of his embrace were interrupted by a huge Crash. "SHI*!! NOT AGAIN!" She spurred out of the house and ran to the site. The blasted machine was to the ground. She ran as fast as she could. She began, without knowing where his body was, tossing parts of the wreckage out of the way to find him, desperately.

~:But don't lose hope in me quite yet 'cause help must be on the way, any day:~

"VEGETA!!!!" she screamed in pain searching for him. She heard a grunt and continued to search while blood trickled down her sweat cover arms. "Where are you?" She cried, then felt a pain hit her arm, but never the less continued to search. Then he rose and coughed a bit like it was nothing. She fell back and looked up with tears in her face. "Your alive!" She said holding her arm to her chest looking up at his torn up clothes.

Vegeta looked down at her and saw she hurt her self looking for him. "You hurt YOur self looking for me?" He asked a bit confused.

~:From my head to my heart can't seem to find a way they're so far apart:~

He walked over to her with a small protest yelp from her carried her to the med bay in the compound. He sat her down with a curse word from her as he looked at her she stuck her tongue at him. "That hurt you monkey-man!" He looked at her and walked over to the first aid kit.

"Can you shut-up please or do you want to continue to bleed to death?" He asked. She scold.

"It is all your fault you know! YOu blew up the machine again. The last time was what? A almost a year ago?"

~:It's not you, it's not your fault You've got everything I could ever want And you've always understood my intentions are good:~ Bulma looked at Vegeta who was getting out a pair of tweezers. "AND WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO WITH THOSE?" SHe yelled.

Vegeta turned and raised a brow. "You have a piece of metal in your arm. SO shut up for once and I will take it out so you don't get an earth disease." She screeched a bit when the peroxide was put on her flesh. Closing her eyes turned not to face him as tears ran down her face. "Woman I will not hurt you. I promised not to, it is this cleaners that hurts you not me. "

Bulma looked over tears in her eyes. "I know."

~:and we've been so close from the start but the furthest distance I've ever known is From my head to my heart:~

Bulma stood up and inspected her arm just bandaged. She smiled a bit and looked at Vegeta. "Woman you need to clean up you have blood all over you arm looking for me. I can take care of my self." with that he left for the kitchen.

She smiled and looked down to her bandaged up arm. "You do care."

She took a bath and cleaned up and disposed of the food she left for Vegeta that burnt and noticed he ran sacked the fridge for food. Sighing, she took out a bottle of Peach Tea Snapple. She didn't know what was going on. Her heart hurt from the whole Yamcha caused like battery acid. She saw Vegeta across the living room starring out the window most likely at the machine he destroyed earlier. She knew he did care, but he was not the most normal guy. "I wish you knew how i felt." SHe said to her self and turned to go the ramp which lead to her bedroom.

She was stopped by a soft voice below her. "How do you feel?" She spurred around.

~;I feel the distance standing here next to you I don't want to keep you waiting, but I've been waiting too:~

"I.. fell like you're far away and I can't ever touch you." she said a bit upset.

Vegeta took a step forward closer to her. "I really don't understand your customs here. All I know is If I could have anyone forever as mine ... I..." He stopped embarrassed at his weakness to this female.

~:Some day if I get there and you still want me too:~

Bulma leaned against the rail connect to the stairs for support with her good arm. "I think I am going insane Vegeta." She looked down at him obviously he was confused.

"I think I want you to be close to me." He said a bit shocked at his own word choice. "I never was treated kindly by anyone before. All my life I was told things and treated badly. Then you took me into your home with out questions or force. I don't know why you would.." He stopped not knowing why he was empting himself out like a stupid weakling like on those stupid soap operas.

~:we can see it through From my head to my heart:~

Bulma turned and ran into Vegeta wrapping her arms around him not knowing why she was doing what she was. It just felt right. "Vegeta I wish I understood you." She muttered against his chest.

She then felt his arms wrap around her also. "I think your planets water did something to my thinking." he said and Bulma laughed with tears running down her face.

"Why is life so hard? You must think I am ridiculous Vegeta." Vegeta chuckled.

"Well, yes you are." Bulma whacked Vegeta with her fist lightly.

"Your terrible!" He smiled at her and bent down and kissed her forehead.

~"can't seem to find a way they're so far apart it's not you, you've got everything I could ever want:~

Bulma looked up shocked at what he did he had an evil look on his face. "Vegeta, I know It sound totally stupid, But I think you make me stronger." She smiled Vegeta laughed and pulled her closer to his chest careful not to hurt her arm.

~:Once again I just can't get it straight Wondering if wandering is my fate But don't lose hope in me quite yet 'cause help must be on the way, any day From my head to my heart can't seem to find a way they're so far apart It's not you, it's not your fault:~

"I think your water did poison my thinking." Vegeta said and picked up Bulma.

"What are you doing?!?!" She yelped.

~:You've got everything I could ever want And you've always understood my intentions are good and we've been so close from the start but the furthest distance I've ever known is From my head to my heart:~

Bulma woke up with sun rays in her face and a hard muscular chest raising lightly. She smiled a bit. Maybe she found her Prince charming. He was not a mushy guy. Who could stand a guys that just said things to get you in bed and was not truthfully. Did you have to say you loved someone to be loved?

~:I feel the distance standing here next to you I don't want to keep you waiting, but I've been waiting too:~

She had an odd felling that everything in two years will be alright and Not to worry. Two arms tighten around her torso. "Sleep Now." Said a groggy voice hugging on to her like a little boy with a teddy bear.

~:Some day if I get there and you still want me too we can see it through From my head to my heart:~

"Night my baka Prince." She said relaxing against his embrace.

"Night Woman." He said falling asleep against with a smile.

~:can't seem to find a way they're so far apart it's not you, you've got everything I could ever want:~



You have to hear this song to understand it kinda better. well what you think? Super-Girl

AND PRINCESS P. You can write a good story if you just clear your head. I hope you liked it. ^_^